
Do you have to join cults to be accepted?

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Why is it than you have to be in a cult to be associated with certain groups,its 2008 come on people!!!just because i chose to be who want to be,or listen to music i wont to listen to dont make so much different from,goths,rich folks,the streets,ect.Dont you get tired of the same old thing,people cant seem to open there minds,i sometimes fill like people only wont to be around you when the wont something you have.




  1. People only want to be around you when they want something  is true.It could be just in the way you make them feel or feel about themselves, Thats still wanting something from you.Even if its just companionship or s*x.Thats still wanting something from you.People only go around other people to fill some type of need.Even if its just cause they were bored.By making them not bored you have given them something to do.I was thinking about that the other day.They say that we are social animals, but we really only want to be around each other when we are lacking something.Most of the time we dont  really listen when other people are talking.So are we really social? The only person I know that never gets on my nerves is my little sister.Thats only cause shes so much like me.I wouldnt spend ant time worrying about being accepted.When you get older you and most of your "friends" will go off in different directions, never to see each other again.At that point youll actually wonder why you spent so much time with them in the first place, Because youll really be cool with your own self with out a crew.Im not sure how old you are but when you get older you will not feel the need to fit in,because you will be comfortable in your own skin. You really will sit back and wonder why you made so much fuss over dressing like other people and following trends or even caring about celebrities.

  2. I think you mean "cliques." Cults are religious sects that brainwash people. Goths and rich folks and thugs are categorized that way usually by circumstance or personal choice. Like the jocks, nerds, and emo kids in high school. Cliques.

    In any case, I've never had a problem floating around from clique to clique because I like certain people from certain groups. I never chose a friend based on how they dressed or what they were into - it was always if they were friendly and fun to be around, and that's what should count.

  3. this c**p started in the mid eighties.

    It's been all about the brand ever since

    -it's not so bad once you get outta school.

    You start looking more at the person not their brand or cult or whatever

  4. You should consider joining a writing cult.

  5. no....stick with the mainstream TRinity churches!!

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