
Do you have to know japanese to enter tokyo polytechnic university?

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ahh also are there dorms for manga studying students?? and how much is for it??




  1. Why don't you go to the school's website and request all this information directly from the school.

  2. You have to know Japanese to enter any Japanese university as a regular student due to entrance exams. You might not have to know Japanese if you are an exchange student on a program from a university in your home country. But either way, classes will be difficult if you don't know the language.

  3. You need to know Japanese and you need to take the entrance exam.  I suggest exploring the Japanese website (using Google Translates for the page) to find the information you need, as it is not on the English version of the page.  

    There are no dorms, you will have to arrange housing and commute, although they do have a department for assisting foreign students who will help you arrange that housing.  It isn't like a traditional dorm however, so costs will vary based on what you find.

    Good luck.

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