
Do you have to learn to like coffee??

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Everyone drinks coffee and tea, but I hate it, it has a disgusting taste, it tastes soo burnt and horrible. Someone told me I would like a Latte so I tried it, and couldn't finish it because I almost started vomiting! Buuuutttt, I want to drink coffee because I really need more energy sometimes. Do you have to learn to like it or something? how can I learn to like it?




  1. Coffee is an acquired taste.

    The best way to start is to have more cream and sugar than coffee.

    If you like the way it tastes with extra cream and sugar then start drinking it that way. Over time you will most likely find that you like it more and more. I started drinking it that way as a child and today I love it. I still like the cream and sugar I just use less of it.

  2. Hi

    I dont know if you could really learn to like it, with coffee its either you do or you dont.

    To start off you would most likely have to make your whole cup mostly cream/milk/ or flavored cream and add only little bit of coffee to it to actually tolerate it if you dont like coffee flavor. Other than that I would say go with an energy drink or energy pill.

    Im some one who loves coffee, lattes, coffee flavored ice cream etc... I dont drink it to give me energy I dont think in really does give me extra energy its just nice an warm in the morinings to drink and I like the flavor.

    Good Luck and if you dont like just go with an energy drink =)  

  3. I hate plain coffee to.   Sooooo,I puts lots of stuff in it to make it taste better.   Like I sweeten it up and add Cappuccino.  There are lots of flavors out there.

  4. as you get older your pallet matures so you may learn to like it in time. i never really liked coffee much either but after time i liked it more and more and you find a way to prepare it so that you like it. i take like 15 sugars in my coffee you just have to find a way to make it sweeter =P good luck !

  5. cream and sugar

  6. no it's a natural thing..

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