
Do you have to learn to read music to learn piano?

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just wondering because mika can't read music because he's dislexic and he's still awesome at piano, so can i teach my self or have someone teach me without learning to read music?




  1. Yes, it is how to play the piano and very important without knowing it then you don't know how to play the piano and Mika (the one you were talking about) must be learning about such as like A, B, C# and all..You don't need someone to teach you, here's a site:

    Hope i helped!

  2. You could totally just play it by ear, and play notes that sound right.  Although reading notes is important, you can be taught without the sheet music.

  3. you can but you will be much better if you learn to read music.  it's not extremely hard, the white keys are the full notes and the black keys are the shaps and flats.  once you start understanding music by learning theory it will come to you much faster and your ability to improvise and just play, like making stuff up on your own will be much easier.  you don't want to be someone who can only play songs written by others.

  4. you can learn songs by memorization. the thing about piano is that out of all the instruments in my opinion the piano is the easiest to learn music theory and with the knowledge of music theory it is much easier to learn songs by yourself and learn to play other instruments.

  5. I think the real question is why should I learn to read music if I want to play the piano?

    Some of the finest musicians I've worked with and have known did not read music. Not many were pianists, but I knew a few who played totally by ear. And I'm sure that you could as well given the desire, determination and commitment plus a little bit of talent.

    So why should you learn to read music? Because it is much more difficult to share your work with others and to have others share their music with you. If you don't read, then you cannot write music either. Yes, you can compose by ear, but others will have to learn your music by ear as well unless you can write it down or pay someone to do it for you. Worse yet, many musicians don't play by ear so they just won't play your music.

    Reading music is less a talent and more a skill just like reading language. You can find websites that will teach you how to read and even analyze music like the Dolmetsch Online website listed below. I've also added a couple more basic tutorials to get you started.

    You will find that musical literacy will help you stay motivated when you practice, and it will provide you with much needed structure especially when you are starting out.

    FYI When I started playing music, I learned to read first and then several years later learned to play by ear. I should have done both simultaneously, but my teachers at the time did not know how to play by ear.

    Good luck!

  6. Most people learn how to read music.  But, you don't HAVE to learn to read music.  Are you musically inclined?  Can you sit down and just plunk around the keyboard?  

    I think the best way to learn is to figure it out on your own.   I would just try to figure it out on your own, if that doesn't work buy a "learn it yourself" book, if that doesn't work, then hire a piano teacher.

    Good luck and have fun!

  7. If you have a knack for being able to play music by ear, then you don't need to learn to read music. Otherwise, it would probably make things a lot easier down the road if you did take the time to learn.

    I tried to teach myself to play the piano when I was younger. Learning the keys is pretty easy. But the thing that really hurt me was the fact that I never took the time to learn to read music. So apart from playing very simple tunes that only required one hand to play, I wasn't able to accomplish much.

    So my advice is to go ahead and learn to read music. It'll probably allow you to learn piano faster than if you don't.

  8. it's better if you can, but you don't have to if you have a great ear -if you don't, then  yes you do. If you can read music, then you can play without hearing it first.

  9. its rather stupid to limit yourself by not learning to read music, its really not that hard!

  10. Yes. You have to learn how to read music to play a piano. Good practice is to stay after school with your music teacher.

  11. You can learn to play by ear.  Some people have that talent. ( I wish I did!!!!!)  however, It would be a lot better to learn notes.  To my opinion its not that hard.  Its just like reading a sign.  You just have to know how to read that sign.

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