
Do you have to pay a fine if you dump paint outside?

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Some worker at Home Depot said if you dump any paint outside you pay a large fine of about 50,000 dollars. Is this true?




  1. no not if it is on your propardy. its fine in other places except for places special for excample..(national tree) (national park) (keep off grass) stuff like that

  2. Yes, And you will go to jail for it also !i

  3. yes of course.  But some countries do not have that kind of laws. But if you are environmental friendly, you cannot dump a toxic materials to pollute the areas surrounds you.

    Paint is one of the hazardous materials in our environment... It is nice if all the countries will unite to have a laws on how and where to trash the hazardous materials.  

  4. If you are caught it is true. Same for dumping oil or any other toxic material.

    It isn't okay to do it on your own property because it can seep into the sewer system and surrounding grounds through run-off. So you will still be fined if you are caught doing it on your own property.

  5. For polluting the environment? Of course.

    Disposal of paint is done in specific ways--interior house paint is set opened in a garage or place where no animals can get into it and you just let the paint dry out completely, then you can put it into your garbage.

    Oil paints need to be disposed of with hazardous materials, there's usually a community pickup  twice yearly, or you can phone the dump and ask if they take this as well.

    Do NOT dump it outside.  That's as bad as dumping oil or gas into the street, it gets into the water table and contaminates the ground water for everyone.

  6. only if you get caught!

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