
Do you have to pay child support if your rights to the child has been revoked?

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My parental right was taken for missing a court date over 8 years ago. I love my very much and would really love to have her in my custody, but my evil foster family felt different. However, my parental rights were taken and now I have recently received notice that i owe a lot in child support. Do I have to pay when they have basically adopted my child?




  1. You can try to fight it , however i think if you have it court ordered you are responsible , looks like you better not miss this court date.

  2. If you live in the US…

    I'm a little confused, but assuming you have a child who is in the foster care system (although you said "MY evil foster family"?)

    First, your parental rights weren’t taken away merely for missing a court date.  They were taken away for something else (what I don't know because you didn't say).

    But, yes you owe child support.  The foster family has not adopted your child.  The state (ie the taxpayers) is paying them to care for your child.  You owe money to the state.

    If you truly want custody back, go see an attorney.

  3. I think there has been a clerical era! If your rights has been taken then you have no legal responsibly at all! However if you still want to have contact with your child, you should fight to the bloody end! I fought for 5 years! and now I have all 6 of my kid together!


    I still owe 5500 in back child support!

    Im slowly paying it back!

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