
Do you have to pay for medication when you have been in hospital?

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We have been invoiced.....




  1. Depends what country you are in!!!  If you are in the UK and a UK citizen it should be free on the NHS.  If in the states then you have to pay...claim it off your insureance

  2. yes you or your insurance have to pay for everything.  And your insurance will try not to pay for it.

  3. Im not sure it really depends on the age and problem

    good luck

  4. Unfortunately, a hospital will charge you for every little thing that they gave you to use while there.  That includes, medicine, q-tips, soap, etc.  They charge rediculous prices on this stuff and make a killing off of it.

  5. If you are not on income support, or disability allowance, or job seekers allowance or any form of benefit  you will have to pay for your medication.

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