
Do you have to pay more for blackberry messenger?

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Do you have to pay more for blackberry messenger?




  1. you do. I was just duked into getting a blackberry when I added a phone and service to my wife's account. the guy sold me a blackberry curve for $1.00 but didn't tell me that there is a $30 blackberry service plan additional to the service plan fees and media/internet fees. I cancelled the service, sent the phone back and got something not so "hi-tech". It was a nice phone, but not work that much money to check my email and surf the web on my phone. Good luck!

  2. No.. because it is a dialoge between another blackberry.

  3. Since I know it its free

  4. i think you have to have the blackberry data plan, which is more money than just a regular voice plan....

    voice plan --> blackberry plan --> then you gotta pay more for texting

  5. no charge for bb messenging :) add me my pin is 2411063B

  6. It depends on your cell phone provider and what type of package you have.  I have Sprint and use the blackberry messenger at no extra cost, other than what is included in my packge.

    EDIT:  You do have to have the blackberry data plan though.  If you sign up for that with your service, then there is no extra charge.

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