
Do you have to pay to adopt a child?

by  |  earlier

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if yes what price range are we talking?????

Im on about a far east child like Vietnam, Cambodia




  1. You pay BIG bucks! Do a bit of google searching. I was stunned at the numbers on one adoption agency website.

  2. Again, based on your previous answers and questions. I really don't think adopting is for you. I mean you may be mean to that child, because you have stated you would love your biological child more. Please don't adopt when you get older, have kids of your own and let people who are adopting for the right reasons adopt children.


  3. im not sure i dont think so thou.

  4. With your attitude you wouldn't qualify to adopt. You probably shouldn't be a parent at all.

  5. You would have to find that out in the country you are looking to adopt from. I wouldn't imagine that money would exchange hands except for legal documents and flights and so on.

  6. Around 30,000 to 50,000 dollars.  So you better start saving your allowance kiddo.

  7. you not only have to pay, you have to go there usually to get the baby.  sometimes they will deliver the baby to you, but that depends on the country.  some countries make you stay there for a certain length of time before you can leave again.

  8. yes, it is quite costy, but having a child is priceless!

  9. Yes.  I believe it was about $17,000 or so in 2002 when we were considering adoption (before our son was born).

  10. My wife and I have adopted two children from Guatemala. There are " Fees" associated wiwith process.. Either th government officials or to Lawyers.  The whole process took us 10 months and cost 30,000 for each one

  11. the agencies charge lots of money for their fees and costs. Plus theres the cost of homestudies and background checks. So you could call it paying for a child.

  12. Yes there are fees involved in adoptions. If you did international adoption it could be very costly. Often you have to go to the child’s native country to pick the child up. Sometimes the country will require you to spend an amount of time in the country. In some countries you will have to make two trips to the child’s native land. Take Russia for example first trip will be about 5 to 7 days, 2nd trip about 14 to 20 days.

    You will have to get the Child's paper work together get them the authority to leave the country and return to whatever country your going back too. It also gives the new family some time to bond in a familiar place for the child. If a married couple is adopting some will require both to travel , where as some will be ok with only one person traveling, or  1 person only going for part of the time.

    I looked up Cambodia adoption it says their adoption fee is 11,580  included in that is the translation fees, cost for mailing documentations. Plus 1,000 donation in humanitarian aid, which is rather funny if you have to pay that then it’s not really a donation is it?  This does not include the money you will need to get there and back, as well as money to live in the country i.e hotel, food, transportation. It also does not include your Home study fees. You might be in the country from 5 days to about a week. With all cost totaled up  your probably talking at least 20 grand if not more then that.

    I looked up Vietnam adoption

    Estimate cost for adoption 18,017.00 - $18,567.00.

    Cost for Travel if its two people go - $5,010.00-$6,080.00 ,

    Estimated total cost – 27,000. It could be a little lower if only one person is going

    There will be more fees then just that as it does not include INS application fee, local home study, fees for certification and translation/authentication in Vietnamese Embassy, or post-placement reports. So your still talking in totally probably 30 to 35 grand.

    I would also think in any cases you would have an attorney fee.

    Fees  depend on the country.   Any way you go your looking at several  grand once all your costs are Totaled

  13. You have to be an adult to adopt.  If you start saving now, you just might have enough by the time you get there.

  14. You profile says you are 16, so you have long time before you should be worrying about this, but international adoption is typically in the $30,000-$35,000 range.

  15. The cost of adoption is different in every case. If you looking to adopt check out adoption agencies, they love to make money. If you talking about selling , then go somewhere else, no one is selling here.

  16. Adopting from overseas is the most expensive option, not only do you have fees and other costs from the adoption agency, but you have travel and other costs that don't exist with a domestic adoption.  I personally haven't dealt with foreign adoptions, but that are at least $10K, and are likely 2-3 times that.

    But, as an answer to your general question... no, you don't have to "pay to adopt a child".  If you adopt through the foster care system, especially when you adopt 'difficult to adopt' or special needs kids, the costs are small, and you may even get reimbursed for what costs you do incur.  

    Also, if you arrange the adoption personally, e.g. a situation where the birth parents and you have come to some personal arrangement, then you only have some minor court fees and the cost of an attorney.  This could be as little as a few hundred dollars, depending on case.

  17. .... Your previous question is enough reason why you shouldn't adopt a child. Stick with having your own, no child should be placed in that situation.

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