
Do you have to pay to get an acting agent?

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This probably sounds like the dumbest question ever, it's probably a yes but in the UK do you have to pay for acting agents? Or can you have one for free?

Also, I have never been to stage school, my parents wouldn't be able to afford it, and I live in France, and I want to be acting in English things, I have a small accent when I speak French so that's why. Do you think I'll be able to take part in things and get an agent even if I live in another country?




  1. Acting Agents take a per centage of your earnings. This can vary from 10% to 20% depending how much work they can get you.

  2. You don't pay them directly. They help you find jobs, then collect a portion of what you make, generally in the ballpark of 10-15%. Any agent who asks you for money upfront is scamming you.

  3. Normally acting agents take 10%

  4. Agents find you the work and take a percentage of your earnings . Just be careful when entering a contract how much of the earnings you have signed away. some dumb boxers have signed away as much as 80% of their earning. I wouldnt consider more than 15%

  5. lets get one thing straight, here - AGENTS NEVER MAKE YOU PAY UPFRONT!!!

    But, of course, they're still making a living out of this business, so make sure you read every contract that you have to sign.

    The percentage of cash they take from your pay is usually no more than 15-20%. This is subject to the percentage of work they put into finding you jobs, but it's still usually a fixed figure....

    You should be able to use your bilingual skils to your advantage, as not many English kids can say that they are fluent in more than their native language! Good for you!

    Hope that helped!

    x x x

  6. An agent will take approx. 10% commisssion of whatever you are paid from your jobs ( or at least so long as they found the job for you).

    If you live in Paris youre fine because of the Eurostar. Loads of people commute to London from Paris now.

    Anywhere else and it will be more difficult, but persist. Eventually you'll have to move back to the UK most of the year if you are serious about working here.

  7. No.

    If they ask for money other than that 10% its a scam

  8. YOu have to pay for ANY agent in ANY country... and you PAY THEM at least 10 PERCENT of whatever money you make.  And you don't find an agent... THEY will find YOU once you are well enough known and they don't take beginners because they make their money from what YOU make and beginners DON'T MAKE MONEY.

  9. pls  avoid

  10. Absolutely!

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