
Do you have to pay when you receive an international phone call? PS It's from Belize to Canada.?

by Guest45067  |  earlier

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So... my friend was thinking of calling me from Belize, and he said he would call... and that it shouldn't charge me. But I dont want to take the risk, does anyone know a for sure answer whether or not you get charged for incoming international calls?

I live in Canada and as I said he lives in Belize and it's on a land line.




  1. Only the caller will have to pay.UNLESS it's a collect call.

  2. well thats impossible if u r charged if the person is calling u..only if the operator says ïf u would accept the collect call and u will know that u will be paying for it. but no if he calls u and u answer and nuthing happens then u are safe. the belizeans wither use card to call (cheaper rates) (nuthing risky)or they call through their cell when they have credit, there is a phone line which gives  the owener of the cell credit and it allows owner to call anywhere for cheap rates (CHEAPER AND NO RISK)

  3. If it's a collect call you do.

  4. YOu would know immediately, because the operator will ask if you will accept the charges for the call.  That means you are paying the bill.

  5. You don't get charged for received calls unless the caller calls collect. If your friend did this someone at your house would have to authorize the phone call. So the answer is no, you won't be charged for getting the call.

    PS I hope this is someone you really KNOW!!!! Don't accept calls from people you don't know, it is very dangerous!!!!

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