
Do you have to phone the car insurance company?

by  |  earlier

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I was backed out of a parking spot today when a lady backed out of her spot (really fast) and hit my car. We called the police and filed a report...he ruled no-fault since he couldn't prove it was her fault even though it was what he believed. We were able to fix the damage when we got home (it popped right back in). So here's my question. Do I have to phone the insurance company or can I just ignore it? The lady had a small scratch on her car, nothing like ours.




  1. Report it to yours as a records only claim.  The other party may file a claim against her own insurance company, and they will attempt to subrogate against yours.  If there is no report on file, your insurance company MAY deny coverage.

  2. She may do it for you, especially if it's a no fault situation.  If this is the case, your insurance company is liable for 1/2 of her repairs.

  3. It sounds like a not easy cracking nut,have a look here,you should find something useful for you.

  4. It may have popped right in, but you definitely lost some clips inside the bumper.

    You should call your insurance company ASAP as that lady may file a claim against you through her insurance company! This way, your insurance company would at least know about it!

  5. always notify your insurance company.....ALWAYS! If you don't notify them  what will you do when/if she claims she found more damage ?  What will you do when/if she decides her back was injured ?    You bought insurance for it's protection.  Let them protect you.  If nothing ever comes of it, fine, no harm done.

  6. Yes ...I would if I were you . In the end you want to protet yourself and you car. Call your insurance company ASAP. Good Luck !!

  7. if both parties are alright with non reporting then absolutly do not call any insurance companies

  8. That type of accident is 50/50 as to fault. When two people are backing from opposing parking places and collide they are equally at fault under the law. Each takes care of their own damages. I know because it happened to me and the other party tried to sue for whiplash and other ridiculous problems. When I explained the accident situation my insurance company told the other person they didn't have a claim. You might want to talk to your agent but not file a claim.

    If you want some more information, I would check out...

    Take care.

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