
Do you have to refund a college if they receive a state grant and refunded full amount without using it?

by  |  earlier

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I entered a college that never notified me of any finacial aid recieved. They are now telling me that because they sent a full check back to the state without using any amount from it that I must now pay them. Is that true?




  1. Okay, I think I know what happened.  You started school without your fin aid finalized.  Then when they started asking for their money you bailed.  Since you didn't stick around long enough in your classes, by the time your fin aid did come in, you weren't eligible for it any longer and the school had to send it back.... which left you with an outstanding tuition bill... that they now want payment for.

    Yes, this is legit.  This happens when people don't follow through.

  2. I am not really sure what you're asking. Did you receive a financial aid check from the school at all? If you didn't receive financial aid from the school then you are not under any obligation to pay them back.

    Now you received financial aid monies from the school and you dropped out of school before the term and you will be required to pay that money back.

    I hope that helps.


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