
Do you have to report for Jury Duty if you are a college student that lives 2 hours away from home?

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I have Jury Duty but its 2 hours away and its pouring and i'm a college student. Do I still have to go or am I exempt?




  1. If you had planned ahead, you could have gotten your jury duty changed.

    Enjoy your two hour ride.

  2. Whining like a Liberal Democrat!

    Are my tax dollars paying for your education? Probably so. Now get off the whining wagon and go do your civic duty.

    If you really want to get off Jury Duty be very bias in answering all the questions asked.

    examples: Do you believe in capital punishment? You bet your sweet bippy I do. H*ang the son*o*bit*ch.

    Do you have a predisposition about this case. You got it man, the bas*tard is guilty of something or he wouldn't be here.

    Get my drift? I've escaped Jury Duty 125 times. I just don't like to sit there doing nothing and get $14 per day! That was O.K. pay in 1920 but not in 2008!

  3. Tell them you hate insurance companies because the are evil and that the police are always right, and they will dismiss you from duty.

  4. No you are not exempt. To get exempt, call your country clerk and speak with someone. They may grant you a waiver.

  5. that's what you get for not having your drivers license and voters registration where you actually live.

    bon voyage!

  6. You have to send them something in writing explaining why you can not attend. Look at your summons notice - it will tell you everything you need to know.

  7. If you 'live 2 hours from home', it sounds as though you have a new home 2 hours from your old home.  Jury lists (at least where I live) come from the municipal roll (list of houses and taxpayers) - so you should advise both the municipality you used to live in and the new municipality you now live in of your move.  Then you'll be on a local list of potential jurors instead.

    Contact both city's clerks, and don't refer to the place 2 hours away as 'home' anymore.  Home is where you sleep at night, check your land line voicemail and pick up your mail in the morning.

    Until the clerks agree that you've moved, you may be stuck with duty.

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