
Do you have to sign a wavier at MEPS to let them go into your medical records?

by  |  earlier

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Or do they just go with what you tell them??




  1. You sign a waiver.  

  2. Yes and no. If they are going to go into your past medical records, you will know. You don't tell them which doctors you went to or your insurance information. They might request you tell them so you can sign off on them pulling your civilian medical files. They don't have the money to pull everyone's medical files. So basically, they pull records of people who have given them reason to. Like if you try killing yourself in basic or your knee acts up and prevents you from doing PT. Or if you have an asthma attack.

  3. It depends, you fill out paperwork on your medical background and sign saying it is correct, if they have any need to look further they can tell you that you need to sign a waiver to get through that point of the process.  What are you trying to hide anyway?

  4. By signing item #24 of Standard Form 93 (Report of Medical History) you affirm that everything you filled out on that form is true and correct. You also grant them permission to gain access to your previous medical records. So, in short, tell the truth. If you hide something and that condition manifests itself during training they will just give you a general discharge and send you back home.  

  5. they just know what you tell them, they arent allowed to get into your personal med records unless you sign alot of paperwork through them, all your doctors in the past, and lots of other c**p

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