
Do you have to start from a young age to be successful in arts?

by Guest55870  |  earlier

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Well, I'm 14 years old and I really want to be an artist, despite my being in a science high. And despite my hard education and need to maintain high notes to keep my scholarship, too hard work is not an option. \" But I do my best, drawing frequently as h**l, writing at least 1 thing everyday and classical guitar classes -We couldn't afford a piano and I love metal- I wanna be both a musician, a painter and a writer, yeah. ^^

But I wonder, do you have to start music, or any of the branches of art, from a young age to be successful? Ballet, of course, requires a start from the early age because it's deeply related to the body but I have talent on other branches anyway:) Being a great artist biggest dream and one of my few wishes. \" So, please, mind answering? =)




  1. Artists can become successful at any age.  Look up "Grandma Moses" sometime!  But 14 is not too old for almost any career, so it's really not a concern.  Work hard on refining your technique!

  2. Yes and no. It does help to start at a younger age, because you brian and body soke stuff in like a spunge. But at 14 you can still be succsesful in different arts. I myself want to be a writer and That Idea never occured to me till I was 13. don't worry about you being to old to learn arts. You not to old. you can never be to old. I know a guy that started playing guitar when he was 40 and five years ladder he's like ficin jimmy page. Just keep working at what you really want to do. put your passion into it and you'll be succsessful.

  3. You can definitely start at 14. I was 14 when I decided I wanted to be an actress (shared the same concern as you for not starting out early enough). But I'm doing theatre in college now and have met people who started even later than me.

    Now that you've found a love of music and painting you just need to enjoy doing that, trying to take in as much as you can. So go ahead, follow your dreams :)

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