
Do you have to submit every assaignment in an flvs course?

by  |  earlier

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If I do not submit for example 5 assaignments by the end of the course will I just be given a 0 or do you need virtually every assignment to pass the course?




  1. From what I understand, yes.  FLVS is a public school online, and has the same coursework expectations.  The only difference is, you aren't educated in a classroom, you're educated at your pace online.  However, if you don't turn in an assignment, you'll get a 0 for it.

  2. I love FLVS! :)

    Yes, you have submit all of your assignments, and if you don't than your teacher will call you and ask why you aren't! If you continue to not do the work (stay on pace, or even better, ahead of pace!) than you could get removed from the course. This means your transcript is not looking so good.

    Good luck.

  3. Yes you must submit every assignment (not assaignment). It is just like going to a regular class/school, you are just doing it virtually so you are subject to the same rules/requirements as if you were going into the normal classroom.

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