
Do you have to support Israel or Palestine to post here?

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Why do people assume you have to take sides?




  1. Some here have harsher opinions then others, post as you wish, worse case scenario you'll get A BIG No-No note from Yahoo.

  2. I support both sides Palestinians and Israelis and taking their sides,  But I oppose strongly Zionists that are hiding behind the population of Israel and brain washing them.

    Israelis (Jews,Christians and Muslims) and Palestinians (Jews,Christians and Muslims) are people that cohabited for thousands of years, why not now, why Zionists wants to throw out all other ethnics ?

    Nice question, thank you.

    God Bless Palestine.

  3. It is suppose to be an Israel travel section but anti-israeli people post here all the  time to try to agitate the Israeli people.

    They get real mean sometimes

  4. not at all, lol, but it is supposed to be the israeli travel section, many people come here are and bash israel and post very anti israeli remarks and use this section for their own political gains.

    it will be great if people use this section for its intended purpose.

  5. It's up to you my friend...witch side you will choose!

    Living means choosing!

    Take care

  6. No, you don't...but Israel is such a hot spot for conflict, that often people on this forum are very passionate about 'their' side & so the fighting continues even on here.

  7. Support who ever you want to, but make sure you don't post anything offensive.

  8. No you don't.

  9. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Cheers!

  10. You don't have to take sides.  You can travel the middle of the road if you like.  Its safer there.

  11. No, there is plenty of anti-Israel bias in Yahoo answers and Yahoo news.

  12. Yes,you either have to regurgitate falsehoods and halftruths or support Israel.



    not much has changed.

  13. yes i do .. i support the innocent HUMANS both palestinians and israelis by posting here.. we seek truth!

    The bloody governments should stop killing innocents, stop raping lands, stop creating conflicts, stop taking humans "alive" from their homes and return them "dead" !

    In these debates we do the role of decision makers, and try to find the solutions for crisis

    If you care about palestinians or israelis you should share these debates!

    These debates will NOT stop untill the conflicts stop!

  14. I have no idea why some people have the define-which-side-you-are mentality. Let the truth prevail.

    When I first came to this section I was oblivious to the conflict. I don't remember how I came here but once I found out about the noble Palestinian people and their endless quest for truth and freedom, I fell in love with them. Today I know both sides of the story and I am extremely comfortable taking the Palestinian side.

    God bless Palestine.

  15. I wouldn't think so, but besides saying, "Give peace a chance," I don't know how much more one would have to contribute to the discussion by being neutral.  Most times you can read between the lines and see which way someone leans even if they claim to be neutral.

    FYI, you do have a good chance of getting your account suspended in this section though.  Two of my favorites, Ultra N and Leb t**z, were wiped out just recently.

  16. No because this place is supposed to be the Israel travel section, but many people express here his political anti Israel opinions.

    This is not the place to express hate, but to know better travel places


  17. We debate the issues here because Israel&Palestine are the same country.

    To me Israel&Palestine is the last colonal rule in the world.

  18. No, You do not

    Still there is a problem with Israelis when you give a negative comment to their point of view.

    You become an anti-Semite, a hater and even more a frog eater!!

    You come here, you expect the worst. Keep in mind they are as racist  nobody can ever be

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