
Do you have to swim at a pool party?

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I got invited to a pool party in 2 weeks. I really am not a big fan of swimming/ the beach/ ocean or pool etc. I never really enjoyed it or had interest in it. Would I look dumb if my friend and I didn't swim? They have a slide show and are prob going to have a volley ball net and bbq. So would it be necessary if they had all that other stuff going on not to swim. Like I said im not the biggest fan of swimming or pools, beaches etc. Would if it be alright if i just went and hung out but not swam?




  1. As a matter of fact, you most certainly will not. At pool parties you will most likely float on an inflatable mattress, do a cannonball or two, and splash your friends. Bathing suit is a must, but swimming skills aren't as necessary. I was a competitive swimmer for 10 years - never got to show off once at a pool party :(

  2. If you are going to a gun range you bring a gun. If you are going to a bbq you bring chips. If you are going to a pool party you bring a swim suit. You dont have to shoot your gun, eat chips, or swim, but always go prepared. You should at least be willing to swim just so you dont look like lame. If you dont want to swim then no one is going to make you however if you want to be social and have a good time just hang out and feel the crowd!

  3. hey, if u dont wanna swim, one's gonna have a cow over it....truth is, not to be mean or anything but, no one really cares what u do as long as ur having a good time..

  4. um, no of course not! especially if u have a friend who doesnt want to swim either, then i doubt that anyone will even notice with all the other stuff going on. Even not wearing a suit is an option because if u dont wear one, you have an excuse as to why u aren't swimming. But of course chilling in your swim suit without swimming will be totally fine as well.

  5. you don't have to swim, no one is forcing you to.

    but at pool parties, technically you don't really swim. you just do like fun games like splashing each other, marco polo, sharks and minnows, or keep away. and the best all time pool party came is chicken fight! especially if its a guy girl party. girls get to get on the shoulders of the guys. that doesnt seem like fun to you?

    anyways have fun!

  6. a black friend told me last year that black people don't like swimming, so when he goes to pool parties he just sits on the edge with his feet in the water and chill there, i guess you could do that...

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