
Do you have to take out your piercings if you're going to jail?

by  |  earlier

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I got a D.U.I. and it's automatic jail time but i'm still awaiting my second court date so i won't be serving my time for at least a couple of months.

I have a nose piercing and i know they take forever to heal and they close up easily and i don't know if they'll have me take it out.

P.S. i don't need any comments lecturing me on D.U.I.'s or how bad of a person you think i am. I know it was stupid, but you really don't know what kind of person i am...

Thank you!




  1. You do need to take them out.

    But a word of advice, take them out befroe you go to court.

  2. Yes, you will be required to take out your piercings when you are being held in a custodial situation.

    Also long as you are not serving an extended sentence your piercing should be fine.

    Good luck.

  3. upon entry into the facility,all jewelry is placed in a box and stored in a safe place.

    my advice is to leave all your personal items at home and

    hope it don't heal over.

    p.s. I have observed inmates with pieces of broomstraw in the piercing to prevent this......this is ordered removed by security by day , but if you wear it at night, who would know?

  4. Yes, jail officers are usually mandated by the facility's administration to remove all jewelry from incoming prisoners.  The purpose of this is not to demean the prisoner.  Rather, to keep other prisoners and officers safe from harm.  The jewelry will be kept with the prisoner's property and will be returned upon the prisoner's release.

  5. yes they remove body piercings.

  6. Yes you do have to take out your piercings.

    Do like i do,either superglue or liquid metal the 2 pieces together,or get it soddered(burnt) together.

    Them babies aren't coming out them,they're considered permanent.

    That's what i did for when i have my surgeries.


    Anyone who JUDGES you without knowing you isn't a good person either.

    Everyone makes mistakes,it's when you learn from them that makes you a better person.

    Take care,i hope everything turns out good.

  7. It would be better if you take all of your piercings out your self before you are sent to jail, so that you can leave them at home.  There will be less of a chance that they will end up getting lost if you keep them at home.  Also, if you don't remove them, they are going to have you take out each piercing for them when you get to jail.

    What ever you do, do not tell them that any of them will not or can be removed due to being welded shut.  The reason I'm telling you this is because if you say that they don't come out,  then they will have the medical department cut them off of you.  It can hurt to have them cut off.

    They do not want you wearing any type of  piercings while being in jail, since it's a safety issue for you.  If some one were to get into a fight with you they don't want either your ear lobes to be ripped or nose to become ripped open due to some one grabbing on to them and yanking your ears or nose open.

    I hope that this helps answer your question.  I wish you all the best.

    BTW: People when they are locked up will put any thing else that they can in their piercings  to keep their piercings open while they are locked up. It still isn't really safe for them to be doing that since there is still a safety issue with doing that.

    AS I STATED At THE INSTITUTION WHERE I WORKED they would cut off any permenantly glued or soldered type of piercings that people had, since they were a safety issue for the person that was being locked up.  If a person is only going to be there for a short stay, there is not reason to put your self in harms way while there.  There is no reason to end up having to have your ear lobes sewn back together due to them being ripped apart.  I've seen it happen, not cute!

  8. Yes you must take out your piercings when serving your time. You can put something in there (small tooth of a comb, fishing wire) to keep it open though.

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