
Do you have to tell insurance and the dmv your current engine size or the size it came with?

by  |  earlier

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I have a ranger that was a 2.3l 4 cylinder but that was not working out at all so i dropped a 5.0l mustang v8 into it. So now my power problem is solved but I need to re-register it and get new insurance for it. So I'm wondering if I could just kinda keep it a secret and tell them its still a 2.3l or I absolutely need to tell them it is now a 5.0l.




  1. Using the SE like google or yahoo to get some hints first if you want to obtain the massive information,if you do not want to spend too much time,here is a good resource for your reference about your questions.

  2. DMV - unsure

    Insurance - it's wise to, just in case you get into an accident and need to replace that engine. If you reported it as the 2.3L, and have an accident, they won't pony up the dough for the 5.0L.

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