
Do you have to use a licensed plumber?

by  |  earlier

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my husband and I are rehabbing a home we have completely gutted the inside and now are starting to rebuild it. We need all new electrical and plumbing. We have a guy who knows what he is doing but is not licensed in our city.




  1. If he is not a licensed plumber he can't pull permits, or sign off on a permit of occupancy! This means, you can't live in the house unless a licensed plumber in your area signs off on it. Sorry for the bad news, but that's the law! Good luck!

  2. many times the homeowner can pull the permit and carry the responsibility of the work themselves it depends on local laws.

  3. The answer is no.  But the answer is also yes.  If you gotten the complete permits to rehab the house, plumbing will one of those permits.  If you got no permits, then you can do about whatever you want to do.  If you need all new electrical that will require a permit,  So will plumbing.  Maybe this guy can use someone else's permit and get it done like that, but it will look too suspect if you get a permit for electrical and not for plumbing.

  4. ask yourself this     if he is not licensed is he insured

  5. No because with out a licsence your so called "Plumber" could get in trouble with the law and for all you know the man could be a ROBBER so dont hire him... GOOD LUCK!

  6. make sure you get  permits else you will have problems selling it later on,,etc.

    I turned a guy in once who was  '''shystering'' a house for resale. Was glad to do it !!!!

  7. Inspector will (should) not pass the plumbing if it wasn't installed or at least overseen by a licensed plumber.

  8. I dont think that it matters if he is licensed as long as he does it right for inspection.

  9. Didn't you pull permits? The inspector will most likely want to make sure they have licenses. Lots of folks do these things under the table but in some areas this creates problems with your insurance company.

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