
Do you have to use condoms through the whole intercourse?

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Me and my girlfriend just started having s*x. We're being mature and using protection and she's getting on the pill soon. But we both hate the concom cause it takes away the feeling. Can she get pregnant if we dont use the condom at the beginning then pull out or put it on towards the end?




  1. You MUST use the condom all the way through the sexual act.

    The loss of feeling is nothing compared to pregnancy.

  2. Yes , it must remain covered during the entire performance.

  3. There's only one answer and you know it! YES!

    pleasure is not worth the problems a baby could bring!

    not forgetting the chances of STD!

  4. You have to use it all the way only if you want a baby you don't have to.

  5. DUH

    you are too young to be having s*x if you have to ask questions about it on here, little one.

    she can, and probably will get pregnant if you dont use a condom.

    by the way, birth control is not 100% effective.

    i know a kid who was born, and his mom was on the pill.

    he was a mistake, dont make the same one.

  6. First of all I would suggest her not taking a pill at all, that's a bd thing :\

    s*x wihout a condom is better, imho, but you need to have experience in s*x, trust each other and have self control to do that, and also you need to know her periods calendar, cause there are days where she is more likely, or not likely to not get pregnant.

    But I think for now you should use condoms through all intercourse, but FORGET ABOUT THOSE PILLS.

  7. Yes your pre. has swimmers in it, put the raincoat on before going in, what do you mean it takes away the feeling for her, no she wont have a clue if you have a condom on or not. As for you use ultra sensitive condoms instead of the dollar store brand.

  8. YES!! You have to use it the entire time for maxium protection........and birth control pills alone cannot protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

  9. Yep, unless your trying to get her pregnant you better wear it from start to finish!

  10. keep using the condum just to be safe

  11. There's always a little sprinkle before the rain, this means its not safe to take it out just befor the end.

    Take care

  12. just practice it.

  13. yup, just use it and hurry up witht he pill to prevent another teen pregnancy

  14. You need to use it from start to finish.

    1) A man may ejaculate more than one during s*x, and may not realize that he is doing so as the second or third time he will emit a much smaller amount of fluid. Even if he only ejaculates one fluid may remain inside the p***s and may be pushed out later on in s*x due to movement or compression of the p***s. A woman may still get pregnant this way.

    2) The Pill won't protect you from VB. Condoms are the safest way to be certain.

    If you "don't like the feel", just buy a thinner brand. Many men can also have bad "feel" experiences because they buy condoms that are too big for them out of masculine bravado. Try buying a smaller size. It should be a good firm fit, not loose.

  15. DO NOT DO THIS!!

    From personal experience...and a little naivity me and my bf did this!!

    We thot it was working well... we had s*x for months using the "withdrawal method"!

    Then I fell pregnant... sadly I misscarried but the message is that you can still fall pregnant!!

    This is became of something called p r e c u m !!

    It doesnt all come out in one swoop at the end... but little bits the entire way throughout intercourse!!

    If your not ready for a baby you really should use the condoms... whether you dont like the feeling or not!! :D

  16. The pulling out method is one of the worst methods fact I wouldn't even call it a method.

    You're best to use a condom the whole way through. You know you can get ones that put the feeling back a bit. It's annoying though, I know.

    It's good she's going on the pill. But you still need to use one, unless you want to take a risk, which I don't recommend.


  17. Dude, the whole point it using a condom is to prevent millions of sperm cells in your s***n coming into contact with your girlfriends egg.  If you are mature as you claim, don't play with fire and suit up until she gets on the pill.

  18. You and your girlfriend are taking a chance with the pull out thing. Use condoms until she gets on the pill. You two will still need to use backup until she's been on the pill for at least two weeks. By backup, I mean a condom (sorry). Hope this helps.

  19. well, first of all she should have started the pill ALREADY rere! if the p***s enters the v****a then she can get pregnant no doubt about it.

  20. no you have to use it all the time you have intercourse, before you ejaculate you preejaculate and that can also get her pregnant

  21. Withdrawal method is only effective 40% of the time.  

    So, to answer your question, yes, you must use a condom the entire time in order for it to be effective.

  22. It's possible but unlikely that your girlfriend would become pregnant if you use the rhythm method.  The only way it would happen would be during the 7-10 days each month she's ovulating / fertile, and you ejaculating more quickly than you intended.  Also, if you m********e earlier on the same day you have s*x, the possibility goes way up (this is how s***n gets into pre-ejaculatory fluid) -- so don't.  You can further decrease the odds of pregnancy by using a spermicide.  

    My advice, however, would be this: just don't have unprotected s*x.  Deal with the condom until she's been on birth control for 2 weeks and avoid any complications.

  23. Dude,if you dont want a baby,WEAR THE CONDOM ALL THE TIME

  24. Yes you can. Before you ejaculate there is something called pre-ejaculation, which is although not as high does carry a risk of pregnancy from this. This can happen at anytime during intercourse so is difficult to predict.

    You could try the cap - female condom although slightly fiddly!

    Otherwise just wait till she is on the pill... although the only really protective way not to get pregnant is to use 2 forms of contraceptive as I have known many of my friends et pregnant using just the pill.

    hope this helps :)

  25. One tiny drop of s***n has 80,000 sperm cells in it. You  have to use the condom the whole time since the smallest amount, even before you have ejaculated can rub off into her and get her pregnant.

  26. Yes you can get pregnant.. There is sperm in the secretions that come out before you ejaculate.And unless you are both virgins it also helps protect against std's.

  27. If you don't know the answer to this you shouldn't be having s*x at all.

  28. The clear fluid that comes out of your p***s, before you actually ejaculate, can contain sperm and get her pregnant.

  29. YES.................................h**l YES she can get pregnant. its called pre ejaculation and its very small and clear looking and its full of sperm cells to make babies....



  31. No, you can skip using one if you wish.

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