
Do you have to wear a cup for football?

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i play rb and I heard not even pro RBs wear them. Will I be ok if I just wore a jockstrap with no cup. Does anybody recommend that because I'm going to be fighting for a spot this season and I need to have all the speed I can get. Do cups slow you down a lot?




  1. Cups slow you down and can get annoying. Never worn em before but it does suck when u get hit in the balls.  

  2. Cups do slow you down, an sometimes they get really annoying when your running and stuff.  

  3. No you dont have to

  4. I don't wear a cup now, It just doesnt feel right.  

  5. Listen man.. not wearing a cup is just like not wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle. You might look cooler with out a helmet but if you turn the bike over its pretty much lights out.

    You dont have to wear a cup but a  shoulder pad, helmet or knee to you package will have you on the bench and out of the game (after you puke your guts out).

    Then after hours with the girls wont ever be the same b/c your testes do not heal like regular breaks. once they go they are gone..

    So my advice.. get a cup that fits snug, if its the right size you will barely notice it after a while. Dont try to be macho and get a oversized cup they will chafe you and your lil peanuts will just rattle around like a dinner bell..  

  6. Cups can chafe badly and your yarbles are designed to survive an impact.

    I have a (lineman) friend who broke a cup when he played.  He didn't wear one after a half of getting pinched by the remains of the cup.

    Also, getting hit in the boys hurts about the same with or without.

  7. You don't need any protection you don't get hit in the balls at all.

  8. If you don't wear a cup and get hit you will wish you had.

  9. Let me put it like this.  If you play without one and you get hit there, even once, you will never play again without one!!!  Got it?

  10. you don't have to wear one, but I won't recommend it because they are very uncomfortable and can effect your performance

  11. Why take a chance on receiving a major injury? Wear the cup...better to have it than not!!!

  12. This is a very difficult question to answer.  Cups are annoying, and they do feel like they limit your movement.  I played through highschool and college without wearing one.  I was a RB and a LB in highschool, and played as a linebacker in college.

    However one of my best friends I played with in college always wore a cup.  He was an offensive linemen, and on one play a defender speared his helmet into that unholy area, lol.  My friends cup literally shattered.  Now I ask.  what if he wasn't wearing a cup???  

  13. it is not mandatory to wear a cup but I strongly recommend it! the last thing is want is cleats in your balls.

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