
Do you have to wear a seat belt whilst reversing your car?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It depands on what you are doing like if are just parking you don't need to have it on, but if you are driving proporly you might want to put it on but no you don't have to wear seat belt whilst reversing your car.

  2. NO !

  3. No you don't.  It's specifically permitted to take it off when "engaged in a manoeuvre involving reversing", as long as you put it on again when you drive off normally.

  4. Yes because what if you accidentally ran in to something why reversing and started spinning and then stopped and then someone ran into you and you got killed.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

    remember,safety first!

  5. No, you can remove it or put it on as you take off forwards.

  6. no you can leave it off but must put it on to drive normally

  7. The driver does not have to wear their seat belt whilst  reversing.

    The Highway Code (follow the link below) will answer all of your questions about the wearing of seat belts.

    Here's an extract.

    "Exemptions from seat belt wearing

    There is a specific exemption from seat belt wearing on medical grounds. There are some other exemptions, for example when reversing.

    If you think you should not wear a seat belt on medical grounds, please consult your doctor. He/she will decide and, if warranted, will issue you a formal "Certificate of Exemption from Compulsory Seat Belt Wearing". This must be produced if the police ask you for it. For more information see

    For more information on the law on seat belt and child restraint wearing, please contact:

    Road User Safety Division

    Department for Transport

    Zone 2/11, Great Minster House

    76 Marsham Street

    London SW1P 4DR

    Tel: 020 7944 2046

    Fax: 020 7944 9618


  8. no if it impedes your driving position ie turning around to look behind, but it must be worn as soon as the reversing manouver has been completed. and you go into drive for forward motion

  9. depends if your properly driving the yes

    if you just wanna reverse in drive way then no

  10. Yes always wherever I am visiting.............................

  11. no. you can take it off to reverse, but must buckle up again before taking off.

  12. No.  But you must put it back after you have completed the manoeuvre which involved reversing.  So if you have to turn your car round in the road to face the opposite way, you can take off your seat belt whilst you are shunting forward and backward but you must the put your belt back on before driving away.

  13. NO

  14. No, you can take it off.

    Exemptions from seat belt wearing

    The legislation provides for a number of specific exemptions from the seat belt wearing requirements on medical and other grounds. Please consult your doctor if you think you should not wear a seat belt on medical grounds.

    As for the others these include:-

    "(b) the driver of or a passenger in a motor vehicle constructed or adapted for carrying goods, while on a journey which does not exceed 50 metres and which is undertaken for the purpose of delivering or collecting any thing;

    (c) a person driving a vehicle while performing a manoeuvre which includes reversing;

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