
Do you have to work with complete NUMPTIES?

by  |  earlier

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I do.... I would say that half of my colleges are complete idiots that are bone idle clock watchers, and all they can say about any job they're given is "I'm not trained, I can't do it" or "I can't do it on 'elf and safety grounds" - even after working there for years and years.

Does anyone else come across this these days.

What do you think to these SCUMBAGS and SLACKERS

Your thoughts please.




  1. You must live in Britain.  You have my sympathy.  

  2. Yeah, I just left a job that was full of complete dis-functional prats, there was a queue which was really long, me serving and them standing there drinking cups of tea and having a chat..I mean come lazy is that? Not to mention rude.

    Anyway I'm worth more than that. It takes the p*ss.

  3. i think you mean colleagues by the way,and yes there is a couple where i work,always moaning about the work instead of just getting on with it.if they spent half as much time in working as they do in moaning they would see it isn't as hard as they make it out to

  4. I work alongside Germans

    Complete Idiots, stalling everything, taking too much time with work. Grumpy, always thinking they are better than us. I think not

    No longer they lost the war

  5. they are annoying, definitely, but why spend your time worrying about them?  it is better simply to ignore them, and spend your energy on positive times with family and friends...they are the important things in life and the ones you can have a laugh with about the tw@ts at work

  6. Colin T is so right! That was my assumption also!

  7. I presume that you work in the Civil Service.

  8. hahaha good question,,, but its the same everywhere m8,, its a sad time we live in

  9. Hello,

    (ANS) As a highly intelligent person I've worked with some right cretins in my time, the thing that galls me the most is that they were paid twice as much as me to too a really rubbish job. A job I could have done much better than them myself. But its who you know what what you know that seems to count these days?

    **SADLY!! The world is full of cretins, scumbags, slackers & complete idiots.

    **People who know how to use their common sense seem to be in the minority, most of the time I expect incompetence to be honest.

    **Finding honest & competent trades people these days is a rare & difficult thing regrettably.


  10. Yes,i quite my job because lazy barstewards were sitting around doing nothing,they were getting the same money as i was and i was working my a$s off,so i told the gaffer to shove his job,i have since been told that he lost a contract because the job wasn't done quickly enough,serves them right,i aint going back.

  11. erm YES, there a bunch of stupid cows and i wanna smack them

  12. Half of your colleges? How can a school of learning be a complete idiot? How many colleges do you have? I don't work with complete numpties but I read plenty of their comments on here!

  13. | have in the past, but not now as i am basically not working, retired so to speak. I worked with people who used to use ad speak like it was important, going on effing useless seminars and training sessions, where you would hear the most stupid language, proactive being a word that i totally and completely loathe. And no common sense either, some couldn't tie their bloody shoelaces. So i don't now thank  heavens

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