
Do you have trouble choosing a 'best answer'?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes I find choosing a best answer to be extremely difficult. Because I love multiple answers.

Just curious if anyone else has the same 'problem'... or if it's just me. :]




  1. sometimes. but i usually want the 3 pts lol

  2. Not really, I just pick the best one I find, if multiple that are very close , then I pick the first one

  3. No but that's only cause I don't really ask questions.

    But I think you just set yourself up.. you're probably gonna have trouble with this one :P

  4. sometimes i do. but most of the time i tend to

    choose informative and at the same time funny answers.

  5. when they give good answers yeah otherwise it's easy for me

  6. Yes! I dare you to pick me. :D  

  7. i do,

    everyone (usually) gives a good answer. its hard to pick just one

    edit: i usually pick the person with the most thumbs up

  8. YES!!  I always worry I'll hurt all the other answers feelings!!  :@)

  9. I do all the time! I just pick the first best answer

  10. haha me too :]

    i feel bad if there's two people who've got good answers.

    i just leave it in limbo for eight months until y!a are so angry with me that they delete the question.


  11. lol well its been a while....i havent asked a question because i got no idea wat to ask....

    but yea choosing a best answer is kinda hard

  12. Aww. Your indecisiveness is adorable.

  13. Yeah it is hard sometimes, it would be good if it could let you choose multiple best answers! :)

  14. i have no trouble lol. I usually pick the best answer with thumbs up. if they have thumbs down and up, I pick the one with the most thumbs up, and less thumbs down. rarely do I pick an answer without doing that. when that happens, I pick the one I agree with most or is most helpful.

  15. I've had the same problem and if I see multiple ones that are equally good I usually just go with the longest answer because it shows they put the most care and effort into what they wanted to say.

  16. Absolutely! You are not alone. ;)

    I'm a bit weird, though. Because sometimes, I have up to three different people that I think deserve the BA. While at other times, I am like "sh*t, I don't think ANY of these replies are good enough!".

    Also, I'm a regular over at R&S. So whenever I ask a question there, I must choose whether I want to give the BA to a person who agrees with me, or whether I want to give it to one who disagrees, but gives me good reasons for why that is the case. I do 50 - 50, usually.

    ..Complicated stuff, huh? ;)

  17. Yes! I hate the thought of hurting someone's feelings. Especially when I have to choose between contacts. But at the same time I don't want to turn it over for vote and then have an unknown choose for me.

  18. Yes. I am often conflicted on either choosing the humorous answer or the serious "good" answer.  

  19. I was just about to ask the same exact question; it's actually why I came on just now. But usually yes, especially if everyone said close to the same thing, i wish their could be more than one best answer.

  20. Hey!!!!! ERICA! wow totally haven't heard from you in FOREVER. How have you been??? All well I hope. So Erica, to answer you question I just look to see if someone who goes by the name of "girl" has answered my question and then I just choose her as my best answer.

  21. YES!!!! Usually there about 2 or 3 answers that are excellent, and then I can't decide. In that case I may go for whoever has the most thumbs up, or whoever wrote in first.

    I hate it when that happens. I wish there was a way you could chose more that 1 answer and maybe divide the points between them.

  22. Yep, I try to go by most rational, best explained, and then whoever answered soonest if it's a tie in some way...


  23. yeah but usually i just don't pick an answer.      P.S. Are you by any chance erica neilson? you look like her, this girl from my school but i can't tell because the picture is so far away haha, but i can tell your very pretty :).........haha don't worry ericas very pretty, but shes 14 and idk how you are, you look 14 but idk, anyway answer my questions please haha <33

  24. i do. i'm bad about it too, i hardly ever pick cause i can't choose, so it just goes to vote, but ti's like NOOOOOOOOOOO, i didn't want that person to win....

    they need to let u narrow it down before it goes into voting mode.  

  25. Haha no.

    Sometimes when I ask a question I know what the answer is. I just want peoples opinions about what they think. I usually don't change my mind but if they changed my mind about my question then I pick them because it made more sense to me.

    But If I ask a question like  " What's your favorite color? " then I pick the most humorous one :P

  26. If there are two good best answer worthy, I would just go on their profile and give a best answer to the one with least best answers.... =]  Pssh or if a person never had a best answer before, I will definitely pick that person

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