
Do you have trouble with your children keeping their rooms clean?

by  |  earlier

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bella boo: love the name! Thats what I call my daughter!




  1. No.  I think my OCD rubbed off on them lol.  I guess it's a good thing.

  2. Yes I do but I think all kids are mostly messy and they learn as they go.

  3. My daughters rooms look like a bomb went off, so I make them clean it at the most inconvenient times, now because they know that I'm doing this they try very hard to pick up after themselves.

  4. No, They know if they don't keep their room clean they lose privileges

  5. No, they simply aren't allowed to do anything else until their chores are done and part of their chores is cleaning up their room. They each have two chores to do when they come home from school after homework.  

  6. yeah.......there so lazy  

  7. I have 3 Teenagers...What do you think???LOL

  8. hi i'm 14 and we hate cleaning our rooms because parents nag so much( no offense) but we feel like it's our space, because it is our space. I find everything in my room and it's not clean. When my room is clean I can never find anything. But i do love having a clean room. but it's to much of a hassle to pick up everything.

  9. Pretty much, but they're teenagers so as long as they don't have food rotting away in their rooms I let it go.  Have to pick your battles...

    They do know that if they don't pick up their clothes for laundry, nothing will be clean when they want it though, so it's not too bad.  

  10. Time to buy a paddle and USE it.

  11. i'm 19 now and i dont have any kids.

    BUT looking back i gave my mom such a hard time when she told me to clean.i think the problem was that she nagged about it soo much! it made me not want to do it on purpose. we laugh about now since i turned out to be a neat freak!

    now shes having the same problem with my little brother. he's 13 and he is a pig what she started doing is taking away his game devices until he did it and now its clean almost everyday!

  12. When my son had problems it was usually becuase he had too much stuff, so we have learned to minimize the amount of junk in his room. Most toys were kept elsewhere, and only what could easily fit on his shelves or in his closet was kept elsewhere or gotten rid of. We got into the routine of straightening up in the evening before bedtime (dirty clothing in hamper, toys or books back on the shelves). He is generally tidy now, but as a teenager it sometimes gets messy when he's super busy, but he cleans it himself before too long, since he doesn't really like it that way himself.  

  13. Yes!!!

    I have to threaten to trash everything i find on the floor...and then she picks up her stuff and puts it on her bed and dresser. lol

    when do they grow out of this???

  14. My kid is 15 and has slobbish tendencies, so to keep things from getting out of hand I ask him to hamper his clothes on a daily basis, and change his sheets once a week.  For little ones they should toybox their toys at night.  He has his own bathroom & I make him clean that once a week.  It helps if you don't obsess over it.  Try to get rid of clothes as they are outgrown, and items/toys that are no longer used.   decluttering on a regular basis, every six months or so, is a huge help.  Do it (and then donate the stuff) with them and it can be fun.

  15. LOL! YES! Even worse my two stepchildren have a maid at there mom's house! Their mother even laughed at how they sat on their beds and watched this lady clean their rooms, and complain about how she talks too much. I wanted to smack her! I think children cleaning their own rooms is a way to teach responsiblity. Now when they are at our home they dont pick up after their selfs or clean their rooms. I keep telling them I am not thier maid! I am trying to make it a routine to clean rooms every Saturday morning...unfortunatly I even have problems with my oldest child-my husband! He hates Saturday morning room cleaning! But I think it is starting to pay off. They see the us doing it. They do it every Saturday and when we finish I make sure we do something fun that afternoon...park,matinee, pizza place for lunch....I envy any mother who doesnt have the room cleaning problem!!!

  16. In my case it's granchildren! I live with my daughter & her family, they both work full time & I keep house. My two g'children are 15 & 19, both hopeless at keeping their rooms neat. The boy,19, is worst, his room is utter chaos.

  17. Heck yes I do, and I get to the point that I'm like s***w it I'll clean it myself. And 20 minutes later they are in messing them up again.

  18. we are all teenagers in the room (3 teen girls in one room) so mom has pretty much given up on the concept of a clean room.  it looks like a bomb went off in there most of the time.  for the most part she just has a keep the door closed policy but if it gets TOO bad (smells coming off the floor/the floor dissapears under the junk) then we have to clean it.  

    we actually just cleaned it a couple of days ago because they took our internet away until it got clean!  that one worked quite well.  granted we just threw the non-gross junk in baskets and put them in corners and in the closet.. but the floor's clean again!  for a couple of days, atleast!

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