
Do you have two dogs? Funny diffrences between them?

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ok, So I love to hear funny stories about other peoples dogs, This morning I noticed what I think is a funny diffrence vetween my two.

Titus hates pills, He will not take any medication willingly. I used to hide it in hot dogs or in a slice of peanutbuttered bread, But If he see's me put a pill in either of them then he will take it walk off, get the pill out eat the bread or meat and leave the pill on the floor.

Unfortunatley now he is smarter then I and checks those two item even if I havn't put anything in them...

Where as My little princess Violet will eat anything.. This morning I was putting her pill in a gob of peanut butter and she sat ; waited for me to finish and when I gave her the peanut butter she just ate it- pill and all. So easy.. I just thought it was funny, because Titus is thinking, he knows what it is and he doesn't want it, but Violet just thinks everything that fits in her mouth is food so she eats it....

What are some funny diffrences between your dogs?




  1. A similar thing happened to me this morning. I give my dogs Yumega - Omega 3 oil supplement. 1 dog loves it, the other not so keen. So I put it in the syringe for 1 to squirt in his mouth, and put it in a bowl for the other so she can l**k the bowl clean and enjoy the experience. She licks her lips for ages after! I've told the manufacturers about their behaviour.

  2. My two are both Labs, but are both very different.

    Milly is fat and lazy, Amy is slim and active.

    Amy picks tablets out of food, where as Milly is that greedy that she gulps it down, plus Amy's if l don't keep an eye on her.

    If Amy's got a toy and Milly wants it, Amy just lets her take it, but if Milly's got a toy, no way will she part with it.

    Milly has to copy what Amy does, and will always wait for Amy to stop peeing and then pee on top of it, Amy never copies Milly.

    Milly is really jealous and will always barge in when Amy is getting a stroke and any attention, but Amy never does the same.

    They are complete opposites, but they are very close, in fact inseparable.

  3. We have a Rottweiler/catahoula cross and a border collie/mcnab cross. We've also got a lhasa apso right now, but he's going to be moving to my mother in law's house, and her border collie/mcnab is going to moving to our house.

    The rott is the sweetest dog ever, and the world's best babysitter. But he is laaazy. If we say it's time to go outside and potty and he doesn't have to go, he'll just sit there and then go back to sleep. The border collie goes outside whether he has to go or not, he just thinks it's fun. If it's hot outside, the rott will lay in front of the air conditioner ALL DAY LONG until it cools down outside.

    My border collie has no desire to herd anything. He loves to chase birds and butterflies. He usually ignores sheep, and sometimes will pay attention to cows, but generally he has no drive to work. My mother in law's border collie, soon to be ours, is a different story. She herds EVERYTHING. Kids, sheep, horses, bulls. She's fearless, too. At 6 weeks she wandered off and we found her underneath the horse chewing on his hooves. We're moving to a different ranch this week and we're going to use her as a working dog. She's pretty high strung, so hopefully having her work will mellow her out a little.

    The lhasa is hilarious. He's just bubbly and goofy, and part of that is because he's just a pup at 4 months old. He'll go sprinting into the dining room, run into his food bowl, grab one peice, and go sprinting back into the living room or the bedroom and stare at us while he chews it. Then he repeats the process about a dozen times and that's his breakfast.

    Something that they all have in common is that they think they're lapdogs. The lhasa qualifies at 15 pounds, the smaller border collie is pushing it at 30 pounds. The bigger border collie is 50 pounds and the rott is 100, but that doesn't stop either one of them from finding a lap and settling in.

    I agree, it's interesting how dogs can have such different personalities.

  4. I have a chihuahua, Peanut and a shih tzu, Sissy and a rottie, Molly.

    Molly was raised from a pup with the little guys so she thinks she is a lap dog too.Nothing like having a 100 lb. dog jump up in your lap!! She thinks she can fit into the same places as the little guys too, so when I am walking around in the house they all move with me, and molly knocks me for a loop all the time.

    And of course Peanut thinks he is the rottie! lol

  5. I have two chocolate labs and one is totally blind so of course there are big differences in how they act and play.  One funny thing to watch is that our seeing dog, Hershey will lay down and Lucy, our blind one will be trying to lay beside him and she steps all over his face before she gets comfy.  He's a good sport though.  She loves him so much and he is very protective of her.  If she doesn't know where he is, she will start to whine and go into a full howl until he comes over and licks her in the face to let her know he is there.  Its so cute.  

  6. Size and personality is big in mine. Max is an american Pit bull and Penny is a little pug mutt ... thing. He is soo well mannered, very chill. Penny is the complete opposite she is spaz and goofy looking. she will also eat anything that crosses her path... I know I am constantly pulling sticks, fuzz, grass, bottle caps out of her mouth atleast 10 times a day.

  7. I have a 5 month old Golden Retriever and a 2 yr. old West Highland Terrier.  When we first got Daytona are Golden Retriever he went to check out Buzz are westie and once we got Daytona's bed on the floor Daytona decided to take all the chew toys and drop them in his bed so Buzz couldn't even play with any of his toys.  Whenever Buzz had a toy Daytona would stop what he was doing no matter where he was and steal the toy back from Buzz.  He's a pain but I figure my westie is gonna have to stick up for himself eventually.

  8. I have five.

    Funny differances....


    Well one growls when she's happy!  

    Another LOVES the saxaphone, she runs around makeing squeaking howling noises, wagging her tail and sitting on the feet of the person playing.  This same dog also lays on her back and 'waves' when she really, really, wants you to pet her. She also eats poo.

    Two of them (the saxaphone dog) and my super obedience shih tzu, sit around and clean eachothers ears.  Yeah.  I never have to actually clean their ears, because they l**k them out for eachother.

    My yorkie is a spaz.  He yaps when he gets the chance and runs around like a maniac...

    the male tzu is evil, aggressive, and biting.

    The funniest thing my bunch do together, is when running up the stairs outside, the dogs that get to the top of the stairs first, turn around and playbow and bark and growl in wait for the dog that is last.   The dog that is last, of course, knows what's coming, and slows down.  But inevitably, the last dog get's mobbed by the others. LOL  

  9. Fun Posting!

    My big 6 year english pointer is regal, laid back, and likes to talk.  He thinks of his 85lbs self as a "lapdog" literally.  He is a pickier eater, LOVES laser pointers and gallops like a racehorse (deep-chested like a greyhound).  He is more emotional and likes to feel sorry for himself...when we got the puppy we could tell he was depressed and worried that he was being replaced so we've had to shower him with extra love.  My almost 9 month old catahoula leopard puppy is a CLOWN, great sense of humor, barks like she's talking to you and loves giving high-fives.  She acts like she "owns" you and that its a privledge to be around her...a beautiful little princess

    Can't imagine my life without them! :-) thanks for the fun question

  10. My dogs are pretty much opposites, except for the fact that their both smart.

    They crack me up every day.  Sophie rolls and tumbles and falls all over the place (puppy clumsies)  and Luke is agile, lightfooted, and gentle.

    Sophie is rugged and tough, Luke is fragile, easily injured. He's like a humming bird, one little "off" thing, and he's shut down completely.

    Sophie chews her food all down all at once.

    Luke puts a piece in his mouth, then walks into the living room and chews it up over the carpet, and then goes back for another piece.

    I could go on, and on!

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