
Do you have / what are your pet peeve Y!A homeschool section questions?

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I think number one on the list for me is the weekly: "What are the Pros and Cons of Homeschooling?" and all the derivatives of the same question.




  1. Oh, that's easy.  Trolls who are here only to annoy.  I don't mind the "pros and cons" questions so much.  They are often posed by people who haven't read all the questions.

  2. My pet peeves are:

    How do I get into XYZ school?


    My password for the XYZ school is not working...

    or variations thereof.

    Hmmm.... Did you think of contacting XYZ school to find the information you needed?


  3. Yes.  The debate goes on.   One could save a few points by researching the archival questions to see what has been asked before.   I do feel positive about this forum's ability to teach the unenlightened though and hope people keep seeking.

  4. Uh, yep, that'd be mine.  I actually doze off for a moment when I see it now, lol.


    There's also the lovely "Give me the answers to Penn Foster Test #___________ because I'm too stinking lazy to take an open book test"...though those are going down since PF started patrolling.  Those really irk me, though.  How lazy can some people be?

    And yes, the lovely "Have you heard homeschooling's illegal in CA now?" questions.  I saw one yesterday in which a ps student gave an incorrect answer on this, based solely off her Civics teacher's explanation.  Wow, yet another reason to homeschool.

  5. Right now it has to be all the HS banned in CA questions. I'm sure the people answering "No there isn't a new law" must be reaching the pointing of wanting to scream!

    But the pros and cons, yes that's been asked and answered SO many times.

    Maybe a policy of linking duplicates to previously answered questions rather than answering them again?

  6. Same here! The other question that gets me is "How can I get/ force my Mom/Dad to home school me?" Usually the parents are dead set against it and there is no way we could convince their parents to do it. Who is the parent going to listen too? Peers around them or strangers on the Internet? What is going on in the parents lives that they are either against it or they just can't. The kids seem so worried about them selves that they are forgetting that if they want the latest gadgets mom and dad might have to work. It just seems selfish to me to try to force mom/ dad to home school when the kids are only looking at themselves and not whats best for the family.

    Edited to add: And yet directly under your question is the dreaded Pros and Cons AGAIN!!LOL!!!

  7. Yes, that's a huge one, and of course the "S" word topics.

    I think we all should write up our best responses and then save them to our watchlists and then just cut-and-paste them into the answers everytime the questions pop up.  It would save so much breath...I mean, finger workout!

    But the worst, by far, is when someone asks a question in the format of, "Homeschoolers do....." and all the trolls have to come out of the woodwork (er, digital world!) and spout their non-researched opinions about HS'ing but never supply *any* facts.  It's *always* anecdotal.

    I've started reporting the people who do *not* answer a question and instead just rant and rave.  Others need to join me so the poor responses get the required two reporting members.


    Oh, how could I forget all the "HS is now illegal in CA" questions.  Yes, I have been screaming!!!  The last time I replied to one of those I wrote in all caps and said I was screaming!  LOL (not really, it's just very sad.

    What I don't understand is how can the issue go from a "court order to be certified" to "HS'ing is illegal"???????

  8. l.  "Do you think I should homeschool?"

    2. "Do you have the answers for ______?  (fill in the blank)"

    3.  "Are homeschoolers weird?"  and other derogatory variations of same.

  9. All of the above PLUS  questions similar to "where do I send my paperwork for XYZ school", "when will they test for JKLMNOP school", and how can I get my English credit for QPR school".  

    Those just really irritate me.

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