
Do you have wind turbines going up all around you?

by Guest65684  |  earlier

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Would like some pros and cons on these turbines. Thanks.




  1. yes - they are planned for my country location.

    The neighbours are agin it, they say it "industrialises" their county outlook.

    This it true, but I ask them "Would you rather look at an open cut coal mine or a nuclear stack?"

  2. Wind turbines will be a major source of energy in the future. The turbines in use now seem huge, but the future ones can be twice as big as well as much smaller. A major breakthrough in design has occurred. The blade of the turbine will soon be like a circular vertical blind, hanging down from the top of 40 story buildings. The load bearings will be 'mag-lev' and friction free. This will reduce the maintenance and lubrication costs, and increase output per wind speed. They say that 1 of the large M-L WT units will equal 1,000 of the big statdard wind turbines. They say...

    Here is a pic:

    :-D The links are just what I Googled for. I am not sure that they are more than advertisements.

    Expect these to be seen wherever cities are that have wind and can afford to put them up.

    Pros: Much cheaper and cleaner than other sources of energy. Less noise and eye pollution, and safer to operate than the propeller style wind turbines. Small versions can use the wind from passing vehicles to power street lights. Will use wind from any direction without having to turn into the wind.

    Cons: Large and unusual structures with attending power lines. Dependence on the wind for output. some noise, although less that the propeller type of turbine..


  3. No, but I know a few people who have them.

    Pros: No electricity bill. Honestly. Less pollution for the environment, less dependence on energy, less rolling blackouts, unaffected during a power outage.

    Cons: Expensive startup cost, they can be "unsightly", a drought of winds will result in a drought of energy.

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