
Do you hide things well? Answer! :]

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are you sneaky? do u get caught easily or do u usually get away w/ it? do u have some secrets that no one would believe in a million years? (u dont have 2 say what they r, just curious)

put ur signs 2??

whenever i try to secretive or sneaky i always get caught!!

aquarius w/ leo rising




  1. i get caught.

    but not



    I can keep things for a while.

    Scorpio w/  Capricorn Moon.

  2. yes and move around

    Scorpio Leo rising

  3. Hi Emmie,

    Cool I am an Aquarius too, with Leo moon, & Aries rising! :D

    Well, I don't really do big things to really worry about getting I don't have much to lie about. Of course I may lie about tiny things that don't matter or cut things short & not tell a whole story.

    When I lie about things people usually believe me, but when I tell the truth they don't O_o

    Haha...sometimes I do it on purpose & give signals like not looking people in the eye & I tell them the truth. It's sooo silly & I even say it is the truth & they call me a liar...but then I lie about something dumb & look at them square in the eye & they believe me & it is something so far fetched, but then I tell them I lied after I am done playing with them : )

    Why people don't believe me when I say I went to the store, but do when I say I have gone to Alaska confuses me...haha.

    But, I never would keep important things from people. I like being direct with many people & getting things out in the open.

    When someone is not direct with me or cuts things short with out explaining...I tell them to explain why they think what they think. I personaly need to know...because why tell me something & not explain, but I usually do this when it invovles me or others.

    And, I know this is weird...But, I cut things short with people when I feel like it...kinda contradicting.

    I don't think I should have to aswere to people, ever. So if I want to go somewher I just say I am going out & that is all & any questions asked I don't answer. I feel that I can take care of myself & do what I want with people trusting me, because I never give any reasons for people not to  -_-

    I am much like my sign independant, rebel, and fixed. Along with friendly, loyal, and accepting :]

    The problem with me is I just don't like answering to people when I don't have to....otherwise I am nice & open...I keep peoples secrets well too.

    I am very open & I can go on & on & on about myself & my life with no problems & I can tell anyone or I can't or won' depends really. I tell people what I want to tell them otherwise I get stubburn if people pry into my life.

    Just how the stars made me! :D

    I liked your question & felt like I would do it some good & answer & perhaps I will answer more...I like comparing other Aquarians to myself because I find it so interesting how we can be the same, but so different :]

    I hope I helped you out! :D :D :D  


  4. Im aquarius and yes im a great liar and i get away with anything i want to. Maybe you getting caught has nothing to do with your sign and you just suck at lying

  5. If I don't want someone to know something, I'm very good at keeping secrets or being evasive. I can be manipulative by keeping close to the truth and am really good at playing the victim. But these are to get my way, not to knock anyone down. When someone asks me to be deceitful for them, no matter how small the lie, I can't do it and I tell them so.

    I can lie easily when it's something harmless like making up my life story to some stranger on the bus I will never see again, and I'm good at telling fibs in jest to my friends, though I will confess to the lie straightaway. I don't think I could let people believe in the lie for long, unless I really really wanted to.

    I'm a Pisces with Gemini Rising. I know a few Cancers and they are REALLY secretive!!

  6. I'm a Virgo and you can bet anything I have secrets and I'm very sneaky. I never get caught. I think it's because no one ever suspects me. Lets just say I'm a good talker lol

    Aries Rising

  7. no I am not particularly sneaky at all.....but I usually "get away with it" when I get "caught"  b/c I am a very good person and beyond reproach in general........

    I do not like to hide things (except money)....b/c whenever I do I will not remember where to look.

    I am most genuinely bewildered when someone finds a reason to be upset with me : (

  8. piescies. If I choose to. sometimes leave something to throw them off the scent.

  9. if i do something im doing it to have fun. i usually dont worry about "getting caught" . ive found out that when you dont worry, it's easier. so that's what i do. i don't have that many secrets. i'm too straight forward for them. people usually know what i'm thinking.

    i'm a sagittarius.  

  10. Well, of course. =)

  11. I am a Virgo...need you ask?

  12. I am a Leo, and no one has found the bodies yet!

  13. I really cant lie. At all. Whenever I do, the person just stares at me, and can automatically tell that I've just lied. And so, I've given up on it. I just tell the person some of the facts and leave out the rest. I'm a Virgo, but my Sagittarius Moon, and Sagittarius rising make it hard to deceive people.

  14. I can't help it when i'm hiding something from my parents and then tell them. But i really am sneaky around other people (excluding my rents). I'm good at keeping secrets, but my friends aren't so thats how i practice by not telling them.


  15. People think I'm too innocent to do anything wrong...hehehe.

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  16. Yes, I hide things well-- I'm a "hard-to-read" capricorn!

    No, I'm not sneaky, I'm too honest.

    Of course I have secrets, just bad life experiences that people would be surprised to hear I went through.

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