
Do you hold a grudge if you feel you've been wronged?

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Do you hold a grudge if you feel you've been wronged?




  1. Yeah, it kind of comes naturally too to me sadly enough because I know grudges are bad but it's a lot better then me taking it out on them and possibly hurting someone. Grudges may be bad but I think they're better then getting into a fight with someone, just hold it down deep and eventually it'll fade away with time. I don't know, I was kind of taught that grudges are okay as appose to fighting and all that, which they are.

  2. no, i get even.

  3. yes

  4. yes. for as many years as necessary.

  5. I don't hold a grudge in the sense that I don't seek revenge or payback, as that just adds to the whole bad situation.  If I have been seriously wronged by someone, I consider it a lesson learned, count my losses and  exclude them from my life from that point on.  Problem solved, they don't bother me anymore and I don't have to deal with them anymore.  Choose your friends carefully.  I'd rather have a few really trustworthy and dependable friends than dozens of so called friends that turn out to  be fake friends when all is said and done..

    But then thats just me.

  6. If it is my kids that wronged me, no.  They will change and learn in time and hopefully not do the same action again.

    If it is an adult and a so-called friend, yes.  They have already learned and not much I can do will ever change their mind as to what they think of me or how they want to treat me in the future.  

    For example, if my kid lies to me, I get over it and make sure he/she doesn't do it again.

    If an adult lies to me I put it inside my head that they are a liar and will continue to always, for they are grown.

  7. Well it depends on what the grudge is, but for most things you can forgive and forget.

  8. If we put mango seed, we will reap mango fruit.

    We can only be wronged, if we do wrong.

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