
Do you home school your children ?

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I just heard California passed a home school law that you cannot teach them as parents without a teaching degree, what are your opinions on this, and how will it affect the almost 2 million homeschooled children in the US?




  1. Go to   They will help you find your answer.

  2. Yes, I HS my kids. 4 of them the 5th is an infant.

    As far as the CA ruling goes, type in germany and homeschooling you'll find a case where a girl was forcefully taken from her home and hidden from her parents because she was homeschooled. The law came from Hitler in 1938 and is still on the books in this day and age. The Judge in CA who handed down the ruling must have read this law in Germany and thought he could impose it here in the USA.

    I don't think this one will  get far. Home schoolers are the most opinionated and politically active people this country has seen in a very long time, we're fighting for our children (if you're a parent you'll know this feeling--it's the one when they place the child in your arms for the first time and you realize that if you had to kill someone to protect this child you would, the parental instinct). This one will either die in appeals or if it makes it to the Supreme Court it will be decided in our favor.

    We all need to boycott Disney Land and Lego Land until this is setteled. ;)

    It's the parents' right to decided how the child is educated not a person elected or chosen by the state.

  3. nope

  4. They didn't pass a law - judges can't do that.  Judges interpret laws, and this one didn't do a very good job of that.  

    It's being appealed and a petition is in the works to depublish it.  Honestly, it really shouldn't affect most of the children in any way whatsoever.  Education is regulated at the state level, and every state has vastly different laws.  Many states have laws that specifically protect homeschooling - in ours, it's constitionally protected.

    I doubt this will stand - homeschoolers are used to standing up for our rights, and a large percentage of the population - even those who don't homeschool - recognize that parental rights cannot be determined by the state.

  5. I homeschool! My child is 6 and on 2nd 3rd grade level! And he speaks on a 10 year old level.

  6. Hopefully it won't affect the kids at all.

  7. There was no law passed; it was an appeals court ruling. And parents can still sign up as private schools and homeschool that way because private schools in California do not require that the teachers have teaching degrees. I doubt it'll affect the other states; things are likely to be cleared up soon.

  8. My hope is that the debate over the CA judge's ruling will inspire thousands more to take on the responsibility of home-schooling.

    Many of us have been doing it for 20+ years.  We are here to help and encourage anyone that would like to know how to get started.

    My children are grown.  The youngest has one more year of home-studies and will go into vocational training or a 2 yr college program.  The others are in the workplace and in college -- doing very well.

    Don't let another human being keep you from doing what is right.  If you want to home-school your children you have the right to do so.  A judge's ruling doesn't have to stand in your way.  There are other ways to get to the same destination.

    The 2million+ kids in the US will most likely not be affected as much as the next generation.  We need to pave the way for future home-schoolers to be able to continue with this wonderful path of education.

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