
Do you homeschool ? Info on it please.?

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I am thinking of homeschooling my 5 yr old and live in NY . Do I just contact the school and tell them she is not attending ? How does that work ? And why do you homeschool ?




  1. I was home schooled for a couple of year and i don't know what my mom did about legal stuff but i do know that raising a child in a home schooled environment is much safer in terms of drug and that kind of thing than going to public school. I am 16 and am now going to public school and even though these expected thing are now appearing to me because of my upbringing my beliefs and morales have been burned into my soul by my mother and she is a very vital point in my resistance against peer pressure.

  2. ya u need to contact the school n find a home school program... but i think kids need to b in a social environment at that age for a while

  3. NY actually has a lot of regulations for homeschooling (you didn't really think that a place where they tell people where they can smoke and what kinds of fat they are allowed to eat would have freedom in education, did you?).

    Here are the laws you must comply with:

    And here are places that have sample IHIP forms (which seem to be the most annoying of the regulations):


    If you want to homeschool, definitely get in touch with other homeschooling parents. There seem to be groups throughout the state, and they will have had direct experience with dealing with the rules and regs. A simple google search will find many groups in your area.

  4. I used to homeschool in NY... it is a little bit more stringent than other states, there is more to it than just notification.

    You have to file a letter of intent to homeschool, then you have to create an IHIP (Individualized Home Instruction Program) in the required subject areas showing what you intend to teach for the year. This is not as hard as it seems, you can be very general-- you can actually just pick up the text book you intend to use and just write down the chapter headings in the table of contents.

    You also have to send in quarterly reports in NY-- basically these can be grades you keep in various subject areas, or they can be your own written summary on how your child has been progressing and what he's (she's) been doing.

    In NY you have to log hours spent schooling and report attendance-- this is a stupid concept for homeschoolers, really, but they require it. I just used to jot down approximate time spent doing activities in a day planner. Remember that field trips and other activities (cooking, gardening, projects, sport teams or dance classes, etc., also count towards this log). There are like 900 required hours per year.

    Finally your child will have to take the standardized test every 2 yrs.

    It's a bit of a pain, but really not as hard as it seems... best bet is to get into a homeschool group on the internet or in person of NY homeschoolers to help you learn the ropes.

  5. I dont know about NY, but in PA kindergarten is optional, so if you want to homeschool, you dont have to do all the paperwork.  First grade and up you have all the notifications and paperwork.

    good luck!

  6. you have to register with the state. The department of education and stuff. from what i've heard the rules are pretty tight in NY. but you definitely have to register. some states require that you submit your curriculum for review, which can be a pain if you're planning on doing "unschooling".

    me and my sisters are homeschooled. we enjoy it a lot, it's much more flexible, and we're able to get ahead in stuff, without skipping. my mom decided to homeschool when the middle school i was going to attend told my mom i was "average" and would be one the middle track, not allowed to take advanced courses. most schools don't have much opportunity to move around once you're stuck on a "track" because you have to move at their pace. my mom wasn't going to deal with that, so we went to private school and then in 8th grade switched to homeschool. it was a really good decision, and we have so many more options. like learning latin, and studying different cultures for months at a time. overall homeschooling is just a lot of fun.

  7. New York has some pretty strict homeschool laws that you need to make sure you comply with.  Here's some info for you:

  8. The state laws are different in every state,but usually you just let them know your homeschooling and withdraw them from school.There are two or three home school curriculems that most people use.Just look up home school eduacations and teaching methods.Most people homeschool,because they don't want thier children exposed to the stuff that goes on in public schools.Or they are christians and combine homeschooling with religious teachings also.

  9. i think u should wait until next year to start that way u dont have to take him out of school.

    Good Luck!

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