
Do you honestly believe that ANYONE is smart enough to stump Obama in an interview?

by  |  earlier

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I do.

All ANYONE has to do is to ask Mr. Obama a straight-up question and wait for the inevitably long-winded, rambling, un-straight "answer". Delivered with that winning, toothsome, straight-out-of-Hollywood smile, of course.




  1. Sorry. I read the question and thought you were a disciple of the Messiah and came here to enter a snotty answer. But I gather that I was mistaken and you see through that hustler. My apologies.

    P.S. I looked at you Q&As and I see why you posed the question. Touché .

  2. Of course.

    Obama himself knows that he is not qualified to be president - that's why he picked a 36 year Washington insider to tutor him.

  3. I am hoping that America will figure that out pretty soon.  It goes back to the Saddleback forum when McCain did better than Obama so the Obama campaign said that McCain MUST have cheated.  Obama is a great teleprompter orator, I think that is all he has.  

  4. He is a nobody in his intellectual capacity. And he won't be able to grin anymore when he has his convolutions.

  5. oh yes with out a doubt, he has 300 people to his thinking and still makes a mess  

  6. I think Piper Palin could stump him.

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