
Do you honestly believe that between the United Nations that there?

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is still diffusion that needs to take place between them,and if so what changes do you think that needs to be made?




  1. i'm afraid the un is a failure.  they have a very hard time taking a firm stand.  they can vote  on many things, but they are afraid to take any action.  they prefer the us to take the action, that way they can be innocent if people are against it and take credit if people are for it.

  2. Max,

    Some more diffusion will help - but I must tell you that I have very little faith in that institution. Rwanda and Darfur/Sudan are two of the most egregious examples of total lack of leadership and concern for others. And remember, the Darfur situation is, even today, steaming along, 'full speed ahead'. The organization does a fine job in humanitarian work, helping after natural disasters and such. It has probably helped in keeping the 'big' countries (US, UK, China, Russia, India) from eating each other alive. Excellent question!

  3. Like it or not , it is all we have. It is the only forum to communicate in this shrinking global community. The internet has proven that no one country is able to be an island any longer. That goes for aviation , medicine, law ( the hague court)  and all the other agencies that DO get along in the UN. Governments and politics seem to be the only ones that dont

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