
Do you honestly care about global warming?

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Global Warming is no myth and this could truely kill all if us we probably won't be able to adapt. Al Gore is telling NO lie we are killing this beautiful land every second. So do you honestly care about global warming yes or no please say why or why not.Thanks.




  1. No I do not care very much about global warming. Part of it is Anthropogenic but much is from other sources as well. The end result will not be as bad as your belief system is telling you. What I do care about is the blind followership of people like yourself that watch a grossly exaggerated movie then run around spewing your new religion to everyone around you. It reminds me of the annoying little converted religious nuts that ride around on their bicycles with shirts and ties or skirts trying to convince me they have found the new way. don't get me wrong, we need to preserve the planet, but we don't need a bunch of zealots treating global warming like a religion, and we don't need the opposite of you; the extremest anti-warmers that blindly spew the opposite message with no information at all as well. I respect the people that look at the data and make a decision on their own weather they are AGW proponents or Skeptics.

  2. Global warming isn't an issue.  It will go away by itself as the Sun, not man is the cause for any warming on Earth.

    As we learn more about the climate, more and more scientist are discovering the flaws in the man made theory of global warming.

    In a couple of years global warming will only be a footnote in history, destined to join all the other things that were going to cause the end of the world.

  3. Yes, I do care alot, because we only have one planet to live on (other planets don't have the characteristics for us to live in them) and global warming is slowly killing our animals, trees, and exotic plants, and is changing weather patterns, so the desert will get rain and other countries will not, therefore changing the food chains and animal adaptations causing them to die. There's many other reasons why I care about global warming, i'm just naming a few.

  4. first of all the world is eventually gonna end. like it or not.

    ppl dontbelive in it withch  means they dont care bout this planet ur great-great-great(ect) grandkids are in jepordy.



  5. Yes, I care about Global Warming. I want to help the earth even if there was no Global Warming! And I always recycle. But I wonder... Does Al Gore REALLY care about Global Warming?

  6. No...

    I'm not immortal, and I doubt modern medicine will keep me alive the next 500 years to see a couple of degrees difference.  I doubt my children will be alive then either.  I'll worry about grandchildren if I have any, and I'll certainly never care about anyone else's.

    On top of all that....We can't make it rain, We can't turn storms, we can't even figure out why some storms spawn tornadoes and some don't....our arrogance as a species is outstanding to believe we can change weather on a global scale.

  7. Yes, because later on we will al die off from it

  8. I do care but despair at the number and size of SUVs on the roads.  Maybe when oil runs out we will have a better chance at conserving our planet.

    Meantime I do like the odd day in Feb when southern winds raise our temperatures albeit briefly for a short time in New York City.

  9. Here's an aswer for those who keep repeating the idiotic stuff about being scammed by liberals.

    You are being scammed by the oil companies and president Bush and most of the Republican senators.  Like the 40 senators who refused to take $21 billon in tax subsidies away from big oil companies and put it into alternative energy.

    That was what the democrats proposal was, in the recent energy bill joke.   The Republican senators stripped it out of the bill.


    The naysayers here mostly don't give a hoot about the environment, global warming or not.

    Here is what they don't get.

    Everything we are doing wrong that might cause global warming is already threatening the survival of just about every ecosystem on earth.

    This was true long before the global warming debate even began.

    Here's some info that might give you some idea what it is costing us to continue with our oil based economy.  What we need is solar.  Read this article about achieving nearly total solar electric grid by 2100

    This plan requires that we spend some public money. Before you react to that, you might want to look at this information about the real costs of oil and gasoline and other forms of energy including nukes.

    From a 1996 article by Jenny B. Wahl

    Based on the studies reviewed, our best-guess estimate of the subsidies received by petroleum each year is $84 billion per year US Defense Department spending allocated to safeguard the worlds petroleum resources total some $55 to $96.3 billion per year.  When the price of gasoline is so drastically underestimated in the minds of drivers, it becomes difficult if not impossible to convince them to change their driving habits,

    accept alternative fuel vehicles, or consider progressive residential and urban development strategies while the amount of damage that automobile fumes cause is certainly very high, the total dollar value is rather difficult to quantify. Approximately $39 billion per year is the lowest minimum estimate reckoned by researchers in the field of transportation cost analysis, although the actual total is surely much higher and may exceed $600 billion

    The Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a federal government entity designed to supplement

    regular oil supplies in the event of disruptions due to military conflict or natural disaster, costs taxpayers an additional $5.7 billion per year.

    When you consider that researchers have

    conclusively linked auto pollution to increased health problems and mortality, the CTA report’s estimate of $29.3 to $542.4 billion for the annual uncompensated health costs associated with auto emissions may not adequately reflect the value

    of lost or diminished human life. Other costs associated with localized air pollution attributable to gasoline-powered automobiles include decreased agricultural yields ($2.1 to $4.2 billion), reduced visibility ($6.1 to $44.5 billion), and damage to buildings and materials ($1.2 to $9.6 billion). Global warming ($3 to $27.5 billion),

    water pollution ($8.4 to $36.8 billion), noise pollution ($6 to $12 billion), According to estimates by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), federal  corporate income tax credits and deductions result in an effective income tax rate

    of 11 percent for the oil industry as compared to a non-oil industry average of 18 percent

    The average effective tax rate on integrated

    oil operations has fallen from 21.5 percent in

    the early 1980s to only 8.7 percent in the 1990s (both figures are significantly below the statutory rate of 35

    And here's what the proponents of nuclear energy aren't telling you.

    from Encyclopedia of Earth


    Civilian nuclear power producers benefit greatly from shifting a substantial portion of their liability for radioactive releases from accidents or attacks away from owners and investors and onto the taxpayer and the surrounding population.

    These costs, both through higher insurance premiums and higher cost of capital, would properly be reflected in the price of nuclear electricity. This subsidy has never been quantified comprehensively, but affects not only reactors, but nuclear fuel cycle facilities and nuclear materials transport as well. On a global level, the

    subsidy is likely to be well in excess of $10 billion per year. In the United States, current surcharges on nuclear power too low to cover expected disposal costs. In addition, the US government foolishly absorbed all risk for an on-time opening of a repository for commercial nuclear waste -- despite longstanding technical and political challenges associated with making this happen.

    Taxpayers are now paying the industry millions per year for the delays, a figure that could rise sharply in years to come. Between inadequate fees, payments for delays, and most importantly, the shifting of disposal risks away from investors,

    subsidies to nuclear waste management likely run into the billions of dollar per year.

  10. i litter

  11. Global warming is a scam for the libs. So I do not care.

  12. Yes because it's affecting the quality of our lives. Pollution is literally killing our natural resources and affecting the health of everyone, especially those in highly populated areas such as China.  Essentially, when we kill our resources, we're slowly killing ourselves and damaging future populations.  Plus our gov't invests BILLIONS of dollars each year (our tax money) to companies that destroy the planet, as well as not giving a d**n about the people who work for them.  So yeah, as far as my money and health is concerned, I do care.

  13. I do honestly care. I want to live on this beautifal land as long as I can and childeren are our future and if we don't do something quick there won't be any furure . I want to as much as I can how about you.

  14. Lots of the trees are dying due to acid rain... The weather is getting worst each year,(lots of torrential rain that causes floods, and sometimes a prolong drought). I think that the global temperature changes is quite alarming in many ways over the last decade. I honestly say here that the government should  step up, and endorse a mandatory law, regulating the use of engine in automobiles... What I am saying is a 4 cylinder engine for cars only, 6cyl. engine for trucks, and V8 for heavy duty trucks. By doing so, we saved more money for food, use less fuel, and cut down emissions, until all the so called hybrid vehicles will be plenty to choose from...

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