
Do you honestly care about other's opinions?

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Do you honestly care about other's opinions?




  1. Only if they're well informed.

  2. Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No...

  3. Depends on who the person is. If I really respect the person, then yes, if they mean nothing to mean, then no.

  4. I honestly care about what my loved ones say.

    As for the rest of the world, I couldn't care less.

  5. Sometimes, but a lot of times i really don't care. even when its my good friends.

  6. I care about what my loved ones think but anyone else, I could care less.

  7. Depend's. I know the difference between wrong and right, so if it make's since then yes. If there just trying to be an acehole then no. Sometime's it can be interesting to see how idiotic some people are.

  8. sadly enough, i guess i do. i'm actually a very self-concious person. a lot of people have made me this way like friends, other people at my school, etc. i'm sensitive so i guess thats why i'm such an easy target. when i'm around people that i've known for a while then i'm usually not and usually confident. but i'm trying to be more confident and care less. however, i'm very determined with things in my future, so i think that may help me turn even more confident, hopefully.

  9. It depends on whose opinion you believe. Must be someone I trust.

  10. if it is not directly related to my life or something im doing.. or if they aren't just trying to be an a@#hole then yes

  11. No, not really.  Only my nearest and dearest.

  12. I try not to let the thoughts of others shape my personal view of myself...but hey, isnt asking this questin kind of ironic lol

  13. deep  down i think that most people if they are honest would say that yes, what other people think can be important.

    We all say that unless it's a close friend or a relative that we wouldn't care but come on, it's deep rooted, we all care what impression we give and what others think .lol

    But i guess that we all worry a little bit that the impression we give is a good one.

    Just my humble opinion but if we're all totally honest i reckon we'll all come to the same conclusion.

  14. Sometimes. It really depends on how I feel about the person giving the opinion.

  15. not at all unless it involves a threat of violence towards me.  then i care! i make it very personal, chuck norris style.

  16. I find that most people are idiots who form their opinions from minimal information to go on (i.e. political propaganda on tv commercials).  If one pays attention they find that the people with the most ignorant and misguided opinions also have the tendency to be slightly fanatical and closed-minded about their opinions (i.e. President Bush, pro-lifers).  The only true freedom we have is the freedom to decide who we are and what we stand for as individuals unto ourselves as opposed to following the hysteria of the masses.  The flipside of that coin however, is that a person cannot make a logical or moral decision without being open-minded to other possible points of view.  For that reason alone, the idiots are valuable, because even a broken watch is right twice a day.

  17. Usually I only care when I ask for them.  If the opinion is unsolicited, I tend not to care.

  18. :P from the kid. sometimes it depends who it is

  19. I know I shouldn't, especially if they are people who are not worth even thinking about and that it should only be my nearest and derest's opinions I care about, but sometimes I just can't help it, more if I'm in a bad mood. I think as you get older, you care less about it as you become more confident and experienced.

  20. sometimes, depends if i think the person who says it is worth it or not, if that makes any sense :S e.g. if it was a stranger i couldnt care less but if it was a friends opinion might be bothered abit.

  21. Nope, not one tiny bit.

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