
Do you honk at people who stop at stop signs?

by  |  earlier

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I stop, look to see if it's safe, and then go. It doesn't take more than a couple seconds - assuming there aren't any cars coming. But occasionally, I get honked at.

Do you honk at people who stop at stop signs (stop meaning the car isn't moving)?




  1. I teach driving..........yes, we get honked at many times when stopping for stop signs.....

    One day, after being honked at, I put my student's car in Park, applied the Parking Brake, got out and walked back to this person who had "honked" at us and took as LONG as I could to ask him...........

    "Excuse me, is there something wrong with our car?"

    "Did my student do something wrong?"

    "Do you realize this "honking" makes a person quite nervous. The sign on our car indicates that it's a Student Driver behind the wheel, right?"

    "You could have caused the driver to panic and shift to reverse or make some other error, which could have caused damage to YOUR vehicle"...............



    I took as long as I could to HOLD HIM UP.......and then asked him to refrain from honking because it might cause further problems with other drivers including road rage, etc.

    You just never know what you're dealing with out ther on the roads...........

    After taking up his time, I advised him that if he HADN"T honked his horn, we would have been gone by now, so he actually slowed himself down by HONKING .....

    We had the last laugh on that one......and it was all done with a pleasant smile, no road rage, just satisfaction that I GOT HIM..............I won, and without any roadrage....chalk up one for me!

  2. some people are jackasses

  3. NO I dont but I do get honked at and I dont let it bother me........

  4. You shouldn't honk at them, i mean if you honk at them and you rush them, what if they go and crash? So you should just let drivers take their time, don't rush them, let them be careful and make our Earth a safe and pleasant place.

  5. No, I don't! And you're doing everything right!! That's what I do too, and you know what, it's just too bad for the people who are stupid enough to honk at you.

    Pardon me for NOT wanting to hit a pedistrian or another car!

    I would honk back if I were you.

    You just keep on doing what you're doing and you're going to make our world a better place!

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