
Do you hope Carey faces jail?

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Do you hope Carey faces jail?




  1. he deserves to have the book thrown at him, but jail? probably not.

    Slashing his girls face with a broken glass is a very serious crime, and he needs to be punished, even if it was while on drugs.

    Imagine if she had been killed ( which could have easily happened). She will no doubt be scarred.

    But I dont think Jail is the answer.  Time in a serious rehab (not a holiday inn for the rich and famous, but a REAL rehab clinic) is what he need most.

  2. No.

    Why should he face a gaol sentence.

    he has only been treating women as they deserve to be treated.

  3. No because then he will get out of going to America to face the music over there.

    I wonder though if he can still get charged with bringing the game into disrupt or not.

  4. why ?

    Yeah i know he is a tool and he f%$ked up but i dont wish jail on anybody who realy doesnt deserve to be there

    Its not like he killed anybody

    Just to make it clear  i dont like him

  5. nah, I think he's paying for his crimes via the media...

    He needs to find another way to vent his anger and frustrations -  maybe he should take up boxing like Bazza

  6. no i think everyone should just leave him alone so he can get on with his life. he deserves to be charged but not thrown in jail.

  7. On the face of it, it would appear that he deserves some gaol time.  If if did the things alleged in wikipedia.  Allegedly assaulting police officers and allegedly cutting his girlfriend in the face and neck with a wine glass are pretty serious charges that he should answer.

  8. no i dont, and i think he will get off. good luck to him

  9. As cozz said why?

    the majority of us would be in jail for years if that gets you sent to jail, how many times do we read of vicious assaults and they get off with a slap on the wrist, why should Carey be any different then us.

    the bloke knows he stuffed up, just let him be, he can have his day in court, get his punishment and that's it,  

    remember this, 'those who live in glass houses, should not throw stones'

    In no way do i agree it's OK to bash your girlfriend or do other things to break the law, but come on, we all know people who have broken the law numerous times(including me, not proud of it, it's just a fact) nothing serious and no drugs in case you were wondering),  I'm sick of hearing about it to be honest.

  10. No, i think if he should for the fact that it wasnt him that done it it waz alcohol i know he waz the one who brought it but he couldnt help it, if he goes to jail then Fev should to coz he did worse stuff than Carey.

    Every1 should just leave him alone

  11. Yes

  12. no , i hope he gets help for his drug addiction,and is made to do some community work

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