
Do you hope Sick Willy Clinton gets a speaker spot & trashes th media for calling opponents of Hussein racist?

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Do you hope Sick Willy Clinton gets a speaker spot & trashes th media for calling opponents of Hussein racist?




  1. Maybe they should let you speak to illustrate the mentality of the Republican voter.  Besides, if you paid attention, you would know he is speaking on Wednesday.

  2. I find it really interesting that in the interest of ethics and morality John Edwards was denied a speech at the democrat convention, and Bill Clinton was subbed in for him,

    You can help dumb, but you can't fix stupid...

  3. He has a spot and I'm sure he won't trash anyone. My goodness ya'll are full of vengence.

  4. Sicko attacked McCain with countless lies and imagined that his administration was something it wasn't. The gullible libs in the audience loved it.

  5. That would be great to watch him do a meltdown on national TV. I have to say that for the first time, I agree with him.  

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