
Do you hope a NBA star (IE Kobe Bryant) go's overseas to play?

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"McLovin" did you even read the question... if a star would go to Europe, they'd start showing more games outside the US...





  1. No, but there will be more coverage on the Euroleague or the Asian leagues when this happens...  Look at how popular the NBA became in China after Yao got drafted!

  2. I heard Carmelo Anthony wants to go overseas to play team hand ball.  Its like basketball except the net is on the ground and a whole lot bigger

  3. Sam "E.T." Cassell should back to whatever planet he came from.

  4. -Actually No.

    -I'm far from a Kobe fan, but he is good for the game. Alot of rivals involve around Kobe, Kobe/Shaq rival, Kobe/Paul Pierce (Celtics), Kobe/LeBron (atleast from a fan's aspect).

    -For the most part ppl either love to root for him, or love to root against him. I for one enjoyed watching him fail miserably in the finals. And I looked forward to watching him being an older player, and getting schooled by younger players that will then be in their prime, LeBron,D-Wade etc...

    -That being said I would HATE to see Kobe go overseas...Like him or not, he brings entertainment to the league.

  5. looks like we got another Kobe hater no offense

    just so lebron james will  get the spotlight

    if kobe does that he will lose a lot and fans and probably right now hes headed into the hall of fame and probably 50 greatest list he leaves all that is done aspecially for all those kids out there that want to be like kobe ESPECIALLY ME


  6. A real nba fan would not like it. which you seem to not be one!!


  7. I would like to see some Italian league on ESPN2.  If Kobe could do that, I would love it.  Not that I want to see Kobe go away, but just for the growth of basketball on a global level. Also, I think it would give him a great opportunity to win another championship, and maybe even a couple of MVPs.

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