
Do you hug/and or kiss your best friends of the same s*x??

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guys i know theres nothing wrong with it i hug all my friends and i've kissed my best friend on the cheek




  1. i only hug my friends when i haven't seen them in a while or won't see them for a while. i don't have a problem with kissing them but they might

  2. i hug them but i'll never kiss them unleas were just kiding around

  3. I hug them

  4. well I do both cus hugs normal but we like to kid and be funny were reallly close

  5. Hug, but no kiss. We're straight...

  6. i hug, but don't kiss.

  7. yes..what is wrong? I don't find anything unusual about it.

  8. my best friend and I hug all the time but not kiss, when she sleeps over or when i sleep over we do share the same bed which is sometimes akward becuase we wake up tangled up in one another lol  

  9. i hug aaall my friends all the time

    but i only kiss my best friends.. on the cheek and only for dares lol


  10. hug

    but sometimes its like hey lets be french and do the kiss on the cheek thing

  11. I'm a guy, so I only hug on rare occasions. As far as kissing goes, no freaking way. I'm straight thank you very much...

  12. Yes, I do with a lot of them (the ones who are comfortable with it).  I am a female though and I pretty much never see guys do that with each other.

  13. I hug my friends but I wouldn't mind kissing them. :P

    It's not a big deal.  

  14. hug, but only if i am not going to see them for a while;...

  15. at my skl.. all us girls kiss eachoher on the cheek..its like a fashion.

  16. Sometimes a hug to friends I am really close to, but never kiss EWW

  17. I hug my best friend,

    but I never kiss her.

  18. i hug all my friends same s*x or not but just a friendly hug

    there is nothing wrong with hugging your friends  

  19. hugs yes, kiss ewwwww no, okay well maybe playing around air kisses across the room and stuff, but only when were joking lol

  20. i hug them, and maybe kisses on cheek but nothing sexual!!!

  21. Yes I so I sometimes even shower with her

  22. I hug, but I don't kiss.

  23. I just hug my friends.

  24. well.. not kiss.. but we sort of hug..

    well, actually we more of tackle each other, but whatever. : )

  25. Hug, don't really kiss.

    Edit: thinking about it, it depends on the friend. I have some friends who are very physical and we kiss on the cheek, but never on the mouth.

  26. hugs yeah obviously. kiss on the cheeek but not like liplock. who cares, i even shower with them. and were all completely straight. how else would i be 12 weeks pregnant?

  27. Heya

    Yeahh ,, i always hug them , ive even french kissed by best friend once on a night out. ahaa , if you dont feel anything then its fine ,

    =] x*x

  28. Yes. Just a peck not even a real kiss more like a mouth bump. But we hug all the time.

  29. i prefer not to be hugged or kiss by anyone

    the only time i would hug a friend is when i haven't seen them in a while other then that keep your hands off me =DD

    my friends already know that i love them (in a friendly loyal way)

    high fives are better to me

    im just not into that lovey dovey stuff


  30. Yeah hug but some just a kiss on the cheek!!!!!

  31. Yeah I always hug my friends :D

    Sometimes we kiss each other, in a friend way and just on the cheek.

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