
Do you hug you're kids more than you hit them?

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By hit i am refering to reasonable spanking . It is a fair question

But i am interested in seeing how many parents will think i am condemning them for spanking . Im not .. i am asking do you hug youre kids more than you hit them?




  1. I actually hug my son everyday and to date i havent had to disapline him in that way, and seeing as how he is 5 now i think thats pretty cool :)

  2. i think this is a dumb question!

  3. I can say, i do spank., and i am not condeming anyone for not spanking or spanking. I think that children should be spanked. Enough of the *Oh no Johnny, in the corner* It never worked for me. My sister is this way with her daughter and her daughter is a hellion.! My other sister has 2 a boy and a girl... no spanking... they are horrible... Rude... Mean and all around bad. My brother and me spank... and hum... our kids are not at all bad. Dont know why...? CAUSE KIDS NEED TO BE SPANKED!

    I do love him more then i spank him. He is spanked for the right reasons. Playing in the cabinets... getting into the trash... things like this. Not or being a child and getting into the pets water, tho or that i smack his hand or he is in time out. Something serious like hitting the cat he gets a hand smack. It all depends. The punishment fits his crimes!

    to those that dont spank... i wish you luck.

  4. i hug my son all the time he has never been hit off me i don't agree with it i think your voice and look can do more than a smack on the hand or bum my son has had lots of love he is nearly 15 and i have got a baby on the way and she will be treated the same as my son with lots of love and understanding.

  5. Yes i always hug my son.

  6. I don't spank my children but I do hug them numerous times a day (more than I could ever count). Any time I am near them, they get a cuddle, but then they are only little!

  7. I can't even begin to count how many times in one day I give my son a kiss and a cuddle, and tell him that I love him. I do smack his hand (he is 2) but it is a very last resort.

  8. I hug my daughter and tell her i love her about a million times a day!! I have only had to tap her lightly on the hand once and that was because she tried to pull the cats tail off!!

  9. Yes, I do.

    However, some days I may raise my voice more than I hug them. My toddlers have been rather testing lately.

  10. of course, they get hugs all the time, they need to know they are loved

  11. Always it's very important to give them positive things to feel good about who they are.

  12. i have never spanked them or otherwise hit them.  i hug them multiple times a day.

    but even among parents who spank, i can't imagine that there are very many parents out there who hit more than they hug.  regardless of how we choose to discipline, there's a biological imperative that makes the vast majority of us love and nurture our kids.  

    tell me that's not naive....

  13. You bet I do. :) I don't lay a hand on either of my chilldren unless it's in a loving way.

  14. I spank my kids, but VERY seldom do so. It has to be a pretty extreme case of disobedience. Probably happens a couple of times a year, and i don't care what others think on the subject.  On the other hand, I hug my kids every day, many times, as much as they will let me. If my kids ever feared me or did not come to me for protection from anything - be it a bad dream or lightning, then I would know that I was wrong...but now, its all great.

  15. I would never hit my kids! there are other ways of discipline and talking to them or sending them to their room is a few of them.

  16. Jeeze of course I hug my children more than I hit them if I didn't it would be child abuse!!

    I very seldom smack my children unless they have been extremely bold but they must get about a million hugs a day and I loose count at how many times I tell them I love them and how gorgeous they are, I have calmed down a bit on my 6yr old son as I dont want him turning out to be a panzy with all my hugging and kissing etc but I give him little winks now and again and he knows what they mean, plus he wont let me hug and kiss him at his classroom door anymore incase his friends see

  17. Definatly lots more hugs!!!!  I can't remember the last time I spanked them, (I am not agianst spanking).  Now they are almost to big - hahaha - I am going to go hug them right now!!!


  19. I hug my son any chance I get and I do not spank him unless he has done something really bad and that is rare. My son is 4 and I believe that talking to him or putting him in time out works just fine and I do not spank him for every little thing he does wrong.

  20. Spanking is bad

  21. Hug them all the time, but NEVER hit them (or spank them).

    Hitting never gained anything.

    My parents never hit me either.

  22. i do not hit my kids, i remove toys when they do something wrong or they miss out on treats

    regards x kitti x

    i like to hug

  23. I'm still a kid, but my parents hug me waaaaaay more than they "hit" me. They haven't "hit" me since I was six!!!

  24. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER hit your kids in ANY way, shape, or form.  There are many studies that have proven that hitting is not ONE BIT effective.  This just results in very violent kids in future life.

    Please, please do not hit your kids, I beg you!  

    Here are GOOD ways of disciplining your kids:

    -Taking away toys/computer/tv time, etc. for a certain number of days/weeks/months (depending on how bad their wrong- doing was)

    -Time out (only if your kids are younger)

    -Make them go to their room and tell them to come out when they have thought about what they have done

    -Grounding (only if your kids are older)

    -Make them APOLOGIZE!!!!

    And to get back to the real question, give your kids INFINITE amount of LOVE, and only punish them when needed.

    Hug your kids every day!!!!!!!!

    Good luck with your parenting!

  25. I never hit my children, and they still get plenty of hugs from me even though they are all grown up and have children of their own.

  26. Hugs work better, if you have to spank your kids, you have lost.

  27. I do not hit my son,so yes I hug him more.

  28. let's not be coy with your remark of hitting is the same as spanking.

    For those people who can't get a clue that a swat on the behind is different than abuse--bother me.  Abuse is a malicious act that has nothing to do with discipline, is clearly for the sheer pleasure of the abuser to feel empowered. A huge difference people!

    Toxic Parenting/Abusive parenting is when you are outweighing the negative to the positives you give your child.

    A swat on my childs behind is far and few between to the amount of love I put into my kids every day.

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