
Do you identify yourself with an anime character? Which one? Why? ?

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^^ I identify my self us Sakura Haruno




  1. I have a fan charecter that I identify myself by.   But I would identify myself as Ino Yamanaka from Naruto---Ino's awesome

  2. I identify my self with Konata Izumi but I look more like Haruhi Suzumiya

  3. a see myself as ryota miyagi

  4. Personality-wise, I think I'm a lot like Mello from Death Note. I believe in astrology and he's Sagittarius like me and the creators are pretty accurate  with the characters according to their signs.

    I think I'm like Mello because I can be really emotional and self-destructive and I also hate being wrong or losing.

    There are some other things too, but I'm kinda lazy right now.  

  5. Ther're a lot but i'm telling about Naruto 'cuz i run like him & people say i'm g*y! (That was b4)

  6. I identify myself with Yahiro Saiga(Special A). We both have a closed off personality and we act spoiled.

  7. im kinda of a mix with light yagami beacuse im smart like to talk in my head lol and i can be evil >:D and naurto because i can be hyper and annoying at times and talk to much and stubborn oh and L because i can be weird and i love sweets  

  8. fujiyoshi harumi from sayonara zetsubo sensei. we look alike (same hair colour, hairstyle.. we even part our hair the same way O_O), we both wear glasses, and we like the same things (drawing, doujinshi, yaoi/bl pairings)

    when i started reading sayonara zetsubo sensei and she appeared, i was just like.. did the author create this character based on me?? XD

    interesting question~~ c:

  9. Sasuke Uchiha ^_^ prob why i like him so much besides his awesomeness LOL

  10. I identify myself as Hinata because I used to be really shy, like her. But not as shy as her, I don't faint around my crush or anything like that. But as I got older I am not that shy anymore. I also identify myself as Ino. I'm sort of annoying, I think, but I'm not that kind of a brat or like, so over-liking (<--- not a word) my crush. I also identify myself as Tsunade. I'm not a gambler though. I'm just very competive......and I'm not that old.....and I'm not that powerful....XD

    I love all the Naruto charaters but I'm not really, like, alike any of them.  

  11. Hm.....I guess I identify a lot with Ito Keita from Gakuen Heaven.

    (Except know....the whole "being a g*y male" thing.) lol

    He sees all these people around him that have special talents and are really good at all different kinds of things and he feels like there isn't really anything he can do.

    (Seriously. I'm talentless. I can't do anything special. Or anything better than everyone else. xD)

    But still, for some reason he doesn't understand people are drawn to him.

    And they make friends with him very easily.

    It's the same thing for me.

    In all honesty, I don't know how I have so many friends.

    I don't know WHY anyone would want to be my friend.

    I'm not cool. :l



    And, I guess I also relate to Shikamaru from Naruto.

    I'm FAR from being a genius (xD) but I'm so lazy it hurts...

    And I think most things, especially teenage girls (even though I am one xD) are a total drag.

    They're loud, they're mean, they're insecure, they're vain. offence to anyone.

    It's a generalization, of course.


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