
Do you interrupt people when they are talking ?

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Do you interrupt people when they are talking ?




  1. sometimes. its mostly when they are talking a lot.

  2. Yes. But only when they are saying something mean or incorrect.

  3. yes

  4. Only When Others Are Talking.

  5. Only if they're talking really stupid.

    Sometimes, I wait until they take a breath and say, "Is this going to be a long story?"

    Otherwise, no, never! haha

  6. Yup!! Sometimes on purpose.....oops!!

  7. no not all the time, but It's 3 people i know doesn't come up for air, when their talking, so if i want to say anything i have to interrupt..

  8. sometimes. when they come up to an interesting subject that reminds me of something

  9. just did it like 2 minutes ago

  10. uh, no i think that its really immature to do that.

  11. No.  I just ignore people when they are talking to me.

  12. I try to

  13. Yeah if they interrupted me first

  14. Yes all the time I don't even realize it until later and then I feel bad

  15. Rarely no

  16. Not has happen before but I try not to it is very rude...So if I am not being spoken to then why join the conversation? unless invited.

  17. unintentionally

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