
Do you invite your sibling to your wedding even though you are on 'speaking terms'?

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What if you have a sibling that you havent talked to in several years (lets say 5 years) and you are planning to get married within the next year? Do you invite this sibling and their family to your wedding? I feel that they should be, but since everyone is trying to spend money wisely these days, every saved penny helps. It would be the traditional thing to have this person in the wedding party, however, with the 2 not on speaking terms, it wouldnt make sense to the sibling in the party. What do you think?




  1. If you don't want to talk to her then don't invite her, but if you are hoping for an ice breaker inviting her would be a great start.  Invite them this way you extended the invitation and now the ball is in her court.  If she decides not to come there is nothing else you could have done.  I wouldn't have her in the wedding party though that's supposed to be for people who are really close to you, people you can rely on.  If you haven't spoken with your sister in several years I don't think she fits into that category.

  2. I would at least send her an invite.  I would also try to talk to her before the wedding so it isn't so uncomfortable for her and for you if she does come.  Make the first move and see what happens.  I wish you the best of luck.

  3. I had the same problem.  I wasn't speaking to either one of my sisters but I took a friend's advice...

    You may be talking to them in 20 years and they will never forget that you didn't invite them to your wedding.  Just send them an invite and it's their decision if they want to attend.  At least this way, you can't be blamed for not inviting them.

  4. I was invited to my brother's BS 30th anniversary party.  We have not spoken for a long time.  I was angry that I was invited and did not go.  I informed other people to tell him to NOT invite me to anything in the future.

  5. The choice it really up to you, If the person getting married wants their sibling there they should invite them. It maybe a good start at healing the bond between them. Having the sibling in the wedding party is a whole different story,they should have whoever they want in their wedding. A person it not required to have someone in their wedding just because that person it blood. This peron should do what makes them happy after all it is their big day.

  6. Etiquette would demand that you at least send an invite to the sibling. If they don't want to come then that's there decision, but if they do, maybe it's a good sign of reconciling differences. What's it hurt anyways?

  7. I would send them an invitation. It is up to them whether they decide to attend or not.

    Not all siblings/family have to be in the wedding party. My friend is on speaking terms with her sister, but she did not ask her to be part of the bridal party for a few different reasons. Nothing wrong with having them come to the wedding just as guests...

  8. Invite, let it be her that decides to come or not!

  9. Invite them and then let them choose rather or not they come. Be the better person that way later down the road there wont be an argument that you didn't invite'em.  

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