
Do you iron your clothes?

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I never iron, and neither does my wife. We just smooth out the wrinkles with our hands when we hang them up or fold them. How about you all?




  1. I try to buy only items that say "wrinkle free".  For things that absolutely need to be ironed, I aside one day to iron all.  

    If something is slightly wrinkled, I hang it the bathroom while  showering...the steam helps!  or, using the same idea, you could put a wrinkled item in the dryer with a damp towel.  Anything to keep from having to drag out the 'ol ironing board!

  2. no

    once in a great while I might but pretty much if it needs to be ironed I take it to the cleaners......................

    gee, I remember my Mom ironing everything as a kid...............

  3. I do the same thing you do when they come out of the dryer. I even go as far as not buying anything that requires ironing.=)

  4. I don't iron, but hubby has to iron the shirts he wears to the office and does an occasional touch up on garments I wear.

  5. yes

    iron is very good we should always iron clothes

  6. I iron my husbands work clothes, and occasionally a shirt or item worn for a special occasion.

  7. No

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