
Do you jr fans like to stand out from the crowd??????

by  |  earlier

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or is NASCAR just a popularity contest like grade school





  1. junior fans don't have to stand out from the crowd - they are the crowd, at least at every race i've been to, and all of those have been out west...

    EDIT: hey, you called me "peanut-head." i read that the first time and thought you were talking to someone else. oh wait, i guess i am a peanut head, but a chocolate and candy covered one...


  2. You know i could answer your demeaning question but i will not drop to your level!!

  3. YES  it is better than being left OUT standing in your field

  4. Why do you keep asking redundant questions?

    See fluffies answer above for my answer.

  5. Yes. Unlike my auntie's Toyota.

  6. Not just jr fans even though they make up most of the crowd there are other fans who stand out in the crowd and i would not say its a popularity contest to think about it other sports do it  you like supporting a particular team like baseball or football and just about any sport for that matter. All jr fans are doing is really just suporting dale jr and showing their support to him. IF YOU think that they are crazy fans maybe you should like them more cause if you watch hockey they go crazy when their team wins like having riots sometimes. i have not heard jr fans going that crazy except for the throwing things at another driver. that is some fans and i think you would want to support your favorite driver too. and no nascar is not some popularity contest. i think the most out of any sport that has the most craziest fans of all would be hockey. they do the most , jr fans seem more calm then them

    besides i like jr and stewart and said that i DO NOT worship the ground they walk upon and i dont think anyones perfect even them. and sometimes its good to stand out in a crowd it just shows that your different or i think that it whould be sheepish not to stand out SOMETIMES. just to support your dirver by rooting for him. I dont want to be sheep. so yes maybe they like to stand out but its not a popularity contest.

  7. Personally, I hate popularity contests, and I love to stand apart from the crowd!


  8. i think SOME jr fans need to chill out. one year i think it was jeff gordon made a pass on jr and when jr went to get the spot back caution came out and it end, jr fans then littered the track with trash which jr fans make up most fans in the stands. thats very disrespectful to the sport. and one more thing i think SOME jr fans need to ask themselves if their a jr fan or sr fans beacause there seem to be alot of fans for someone who doesnt have that many acomplishments in the sport, i mean sure he is a very good driver and one of my top 5 favs because of HIS accomplishments, but i think he gets credited for more things he should be credited for, and remember i said SOME jr fans not all  


  10. Not as bad as you like standing out in stuff like this!!!!!!

  11. I DON'T like Jr I LIKE KYLE BUSCH <<<333 GO KYLE

  12. I would have to say that a majority of the crowd is fans of Juniors. YOu can hear the roar everytime he comes to the front.

    So yes we do stand out in the crowd.  Which probably ticks you off dosn't it????

  13. No. They like to stand out "in" the crowd.


  14. Thank god you're behind a computer otherwise you'd been hit by beer by now.

  15. Just look at the class of people throwing garbage on the track, and there you have Jr. fans..what other driver wants that type..simple deduction....

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